How could you?!

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Sup! Another chapter means another torture for me XD I just love writing stories about amourshipping (and some geekchicshipping, but mostly amour) don't hate me! I love pokemon! Anyway enjoy!

Ash's POV
I kept on walking ahead I don't care where I end up as long as I can stay there for the night. If only Clemont was here I could have been sleeping on a comfy bed by now, but his dead and I can't do anything about. I just wish they were back,or this was just a nightmare. I stopped at the middle of the sidewalk as I saw an image that looked really familiar. It can't be could it? As crossed the road and followed the mysterious person walking towards the Pokemon center. The person turned around and saw me, I can't believe it! I took a step back and looked at the person from head to toe, it can't it can't! How is Serena alive?!

"Serena!?" The girl eyes' widened and stared at me in disbelief "Ashy?" My smile grew bigger as I jumped on her and hugged her tightly causing Serena to blush, but her appearance change (of course it changed you dimwit it's been 4 years!) her hair was short it only reached at her shoulder, she wore a red vest with a pink dress inside, black knee socks, a red fedora, and a blue ribbon which I realized that was the ribbon I gave her 4 years ago. Serena felt so warm that I didn't want to break the hug, but she was choking, so I had the break the hug *sigh*. I also noticed that she grew taller taller than me actually and she looked more mature. Wait! If she's alive then does that mean the others are also alright? "Serena how did you manage to survive?" I asked, but she didn't respond. "How are the others?" She took a deep breathe.

"Ash...some are alive while the others are....dead" Serena looked really devastated and guilty. I began to cry again as I fell to my knees, but then I felt something warm wrapped around my body. It was Serena.

Serena's POV

I can't just stand there and look at him! He was so devastated when he saw us unconscious and bloody, but I didn't had the strength to get up. It was my was all my fault. I began to tear up as I kneel down and hugged the boy I loved trying to comfort him.

"Ash please don't cry.." He felt so cold that it made me shiver, but he stopped crying and looked into my eyes. " H-how are y-you alive?" I bit my lower lip and looked at the ground. I can't...we just met like two minutes ago and out of nowhere he asked me a question that may or may not ruin our friendship.

It felt like time stopped for a while, but I needed to make an excuse, but nothing popped in my mind. He knows that I don't feel comfortable answering his question, because I haven't answered yet. He sighed and stood up and told me " let's just go inside and we can talk" I nodded.

Ash' POV
Is it me or is Serena hiding something from me? When I asked her how is she alive she just went completely silent. What happened? Please tell me what happened Serena..please.

We sat on one of the couches and talked a bit, it felt like talking to a stranger, because she acted so different from the Serena I knew. She was mature, determined, smart, creative, and now has some kind of bracelet
on her right wrist. Is it possible that's a mega ring?

Even though she changed she was still the Serena I knew. She still had the never give up till' the end attitude, and she still smiled that's the main thing that relieved me.

"Anyway Serena" Serena looked at me raising an eyebrow "How are you alive and where are the others" Serena sighed and looked down at the ground. I don't know what happened, but if it's that bad tha Serena doesn't even want me to know then it will just make me more curious. "When you thought we were dead..." Serena began talking softly, but loud enough for me to hear "Me, May, Drew, Misty, and Gary survived, because they were the closest when I used my-" Serena placed a hand on her mouth trying to hold back her tears.

"Serena..." I looked at her she was so beautiful! I just hate it when she cries! "You can tell me I'm your friend after all!" She looked at me with her ocean sky blue eyes oh I love her eyes. "You'll probably hate me..." I shook my head " There is nothing that can make me hate you" I reassure her making her slightly blush. "They survived, because they were the closest to me when I used my psychic abilities" I was dumbfounded.

" have psychic abilities?" Serena nodded. How could she? Why would she ever hid this secret from me? Does she not trust me? "I can read you thoughts you know" Serena pointed out while I was still trying to understand what she said. "I guess you hate me huh? It's not really a surprise everyone hates me, because of it" Serena stared at the ground again.

"Well when did I become everyone?" I asked making her look towards me "You should trust me more like the way I trust you Serena" I smiled which made Serena smile, but not like the wide smile I'm used to.

How could she? She didn't tell me this sooner? I could have helped her!

See you in the next chapter

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