"Wake up, Albus!"
Albus blinked the sleep from his eyes and sat up. Today was the first day of school! It was his first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His brother, James Sirius, was entering his third year and his sister, Lily Luna, was 9 years old. She had two more years until she could go to Hogwarts.
"Albus, we're going to be late! Get up; we have to meet the Weasleys at the Burrow on time!" his mother called.
"Yes, mum, I'm coming!" Albus called. He stood up out of bed and changed out of his sleepwear into a nice pair of jeans and a plaid sweater. He wanted to look nice for his first day of school. Then he grabbed a comb and combed his black hair over to the left.
"Give it back, James! It's mine!" Albus heard his younger sister, Lily Luna, yell from the kitchen. He was just packing his things as his older brother, James, burst into his room, carrying a doll.
"James, it's mine!" Lily yelled, following him into Albus' room.
"And this room is mine! You two; get out! I'm packing for school!" Albus shouted at his siblings.
"Alright, alright. Come on, Lily, let's get away from this guy," James said irritably as he handed the doll back to Lily. She grabbed it from him angrily and turned her heel and strolled out the door, flipping her long, light red hair as she went.
"Come on, kids!" their father called from the kitchen. "We must be on time or you'll have to take broomsticks to school!" he chuckled a little at his own joke.
Albus finished packing his trunk with everything he would need at Hogwarts (wand, clothes, textbooks, owl treats, some items that his uncle, George, had given him from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and his Hogwarts uniform). Finally, he shut his trunk and put Errolla (his snowy white owl) into her cage along with some treats.
"Let's go, Errolla," he said excitedly as he grabbed her cage and his trunk and stumbled with them all the way to the kitchen.
"Albus, there you are!" his mother, Ginny said, as she rushed over to him and frantically began straightening his sweater, hair, etc.
"Mum, I'm–oof–fine! I'm fine, Mum!" Albus said, his voice muffled from his mum, who was attempting to get an unruly strand of hair in place.
"Ooh–Albus, did you have to inherit your father's unruly hair?" Ginny said, both amused and irritated. It's nothing like James' hair, thought Albus. It was true; James had definitely inherited his father's messy and unruly hair. Finally, when she was sure that Albus looked perfect for his first day at Hogwarts, Ginny finally kissed his head and sent him off.
"We're going to have breakfast with the Weasleys at the Burrow and then we must be at King's Cross Station at 11:00 sharp," their father, Harry planned out.
Albus looked at his wristwatch; 8:15. But, of course they planned to be there earlier so everything was right on schedule. Finally, 15 minutes later, they were all packed up and driving to the Burrow, where their maternal grandparents, Molly and Arthur Weasley, lived. They were planning to meet Hermione and Ron and their two children, Rose and Hugo, at the Burrow. George and Angelina, their children, and Bill and Fleur, and their children were also planning to be there. So was Teddy Lupin, one of Albus' favorite cousins. He was looking forward to Teddy entertaining them with his Metamorphmagus skills.
So, for half an hour, they were on the road, driving to the Burrow. Ginny and Harry were talking about something in the front seat as Lily, Albus, and James argued about who was going to be in what House at Hogwarts.

Harry Potter: 19 Years Later
Fiksi PenggemarIt's 19 years after the war between the Death Eaters and the light side of the Wizarding World. Teddy unravels another part of him, a part that takes over sometimes, a part he doesn't especially want anyone to know of. James is the popular, attrac...