"Your breath smells like strawberries."

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I pushed my blankets off of me, trying to find a cold spot in my bed. I was sweating to death and honestly, I didn't want to get up. The sun was burning through my window when I forgot to close the curtains last night. It was pretty late and all I wanted to do is go to sleep. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes when I for sure, gave up on getting a cold spot in my bed. I sat straight up and I fixed my brown bracelet I have always worn since I was 15.

I slouched in the middle of my bed, looking around my room. I hid my boxes in my small closet and I'm still surprised that no one have noticed about the boxes. I wanted to go back to sleep when I heard cabinets opening and closing downstairs. Someone was up and ready in the kitchen. I honestly don't want to see any of my parents. Not because of last night, it's nothing new to me, I just don't like to be in he same room as them.

I wrapped my hair up as I got up. I didn't mind for putting my slippers on so I just walked out in my socks. I entered the kitchen and there stood was my mom in her outfit from last night. On cue, I saw a glass of wine in her hands as she cooks breakfast. I glance at the clock and it was barely even 10 in the morning.

"Oh! You're finally up." My mom says when she turned around. She drank the rest of the wine that was in the glass in one chug.

"You're up early." I said as grabbed something from the fridge.

"Hmm! I'm making breakfast. I accidentally spilled some wine in the bacon though. It's still good." She shrugs.

I shook my head. I grabbed a mug and poured some milk in it before placing it in the microwave. "I'm fine. I'll just make a sandwich." I grabbed the peanut butter jar and bread.

"You use to eat my breakfast." She mumbles.

Yea. Use to. When you didn't spilled vodka or wine in the food.

"Next time." I forced a smile.

She rolled her eyes and sipped on the wine bottle instead of pouring some in the glass. "Your father just left by the way."

I nodded as I spread the peanut butter on the bread. I honestly didn't want to have a conversation with my mom anymore even since we barely spoke and it's only morning.

"He's still seeing that whore, ya know?"

I rolled my eyes. "Which one?"

"That fucking teacher of yours. She's fucking married to a doctor." She huffs.

Ok. But what are you? You don't fucking work.

"A doctor? Might as well go after." I suggested, but I wasn't serious.

"I would if I knew where he lived." She mumbles as she twirls her finger around her tongue. I put everything away and I leaned against the counter and started eating my sandwich.

"Uh, we need to buy some toilet paper by the way." I mumbled.

"Okay? What do I look like? Your mom?"


"Just don't answer that." She says as she sips her wine again. I nodded and continued eating in silence. "How's Drake?" She asks.

You don't care about your kids. Why are you asking me?

"I dunno."

She rolled her eyes and let out an annoyance sigh. "You're stubborn ya know? Just talk to the kid. Besides, what else do you have?"

I only shrugged as I finished the last bit of my sandwich. I chugged the rest of my warm milk and placed the mug in the sink. I wiped my hands on a napkin then I threw it away.

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