Chapter 25: 'I'm Screwing Your Daughter'

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Chapter 25: 'I'm Screwing Your Daughter'

Kim's POV

We were using the car that Ralph had given me and as we got closer and closer to Becca's mother's house, I lost my shit even more. She wouldn't like me! I'd bring back memories. How would I even introduce myself?

'Hey, I'm Kim. You remember me, right? You now, the kid of the woman who your husband shot before he shot himself? Yeah, the kid who Becca went to therapy with. Yep, that's me. Oh yeah! Speaking of which, I'm screwing your daughter. Nice to meet you'

Yeah, real nice... Fuck... I was going to fucken die.


Holy fuck what if she like freaked out the second she saw me? Her mother would have a heart attack! Oh fuck.


I jumped up slightly. "What?"

She looked at me curiously. "Are you okay? We could stop by for some coffee if you'd like?"

What the fuck? Coffee? Who did I look like?! Fuck coffee, I needed to smoke.

"Okay", I said.

Becca switched from the lane we were in and drove into some coffee shop place. She parked and turned off the ignition.

"Okay, let's go get coffee!" She said.

Why was she so excited and cheery? I mean it was cool, but shit... If I was that excited and cheery I knew I was having some major anxiety or some shit.

We got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop. It was nearly empty except for some hooker- looking waitress, an old dude who was supposedly reading the newspaper but was actually checking out the waitress, and a couple that was making out in the corner booth.

Real nice...

"What would y'all like?" The waitress asked.

Ummm... Fuck...

"I'll get chamomile tea," Becca said.

I turned to look at her. "I thought you wanted to get coffee," I whispered. The fact that she changed her order made me really nervous for some reason.

She looked at me and shrugged. "I changed my mind", she said and turned to the waitress, "I'll get a glazed donut too."

I looked back at the waitress who blinked quickly when she realized that I'd caught her staring at me. I became uncomfortable. "I'll- I'll get coffee. "

The chick didn't say anything and just looked at me expectantly.

"Oh! Fuck! Um, I'll have it black. Two sugars on the side."

"That'll be $7.36," she said.

Fucken idiot. You're at a fucken coffee shop. Obviously, there are different types of coffee. Fucken moron.

I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a ten. "Um, you can keep the change"

The hooker-looking waitress smiled creepily at me and I forced a smile back.

Becca and I sat down at a table. It was so fucken awkward and I didn't like it one bit. I was thankful when the waitress dropped by with our drinks and Becca's donut.

I opened a sugar packet and dumped like half of it into the coffee and mixed it together before I took a sip. I forgot to blow on it and I almost burned my fucken tongue off. I cursed.

"Are you okay?" Becca asked.

I nodded and blew on the coffee. I took a sip and I couldn't fucken taste it. I began getting frustrated and it became evident with every sip.

"Kim", she began, "What's the matter?"

" I said I'm fine!" I snapped.

Becca looked down at her tea. "...Oh... Okay," she mumbled as the dipped the teabag in and out twice before taking it out and putting it on the side.

Fuck... "Becca", I began and she looked up. I gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm really fucken nervous and getting more and more anxious by the minute."

"It's okay. I understand", she said and took a sip of tea, "It's normal to be nervous."

I sighed and placed my hands on the side of the coffee mug. "I guess." The heat began to burn, but frankly, I liked it. It was distracting me from my nerves.

Becca picked up the glazed donut with a napkin and she held it towards me. "You want some?"

I shook my head. "Thanks, but no thanks," I pulled my hands away from the mug and rubbed them against my pants.

"Are you sure?" She held the donut to my lips and playfully waved it around.

I smirked and looked her directly in the eyes and I leaned in. I stuck my tongue out and slowly licked off some of the glazed stuff off of the donut. She blushed. I took a bite and I watched as her face flushed even more as I licked my bottom lip. She picked up her tea and hastily began to drink from it. I laughed to myself as I calmly drank my coffee.

Rebecca's POV

"You ass!" I smacked his arm as we walked to the car.

Kim laughed. "I love you too, Becca"

I stuck my tongue out at him.

He feigned hurt. "Even after I bought you food you dare do such a thing to me?"

I rolled my eyes then I jabbed my finger into his chest. "You were being sexual with the donut in public!"

He laughed. "It was funny!"

We got in the car and she put the key in the ignition. She crossed her arms over her chest and she waited for the car to heat up.

"Becca, come on... It was funny!"

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