Chapter 36: Hannah Smiles

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Chapter 36: Hannah Smiles

Girl's POV

Kim softly closes the door behind him and looks at me, an annoyed expression on his face. But I don't care. I take in everything.

Admiring the furrow his brows make, the line by his lips because of his frown, the darkness of his eyes and the dark circles under them.

I look at his clothes: a striped shirt and dark jeans and notice the cigarette he's holding.

Normally, I don't condone cigarettes, but Kim made it acceptable and attractive.

I take in his hair; disheveled and sexy, and fight the urge to reach up and touch it.

He probably had sex to get that extra messy hair. I'm not jealous— well, maybe a little. But I'm really just thinking about his naked body; hot and sweaty just moving and pumping, thrusting. His muscles tightening and flexing.

The thought was getting me hot.

I watch him take a drag from his cigarette. Quiet, slow. He regards me, waiting.

That's when I realize I haven't said anything yet and that he wasn't going to initiate.

"How many do you smoke a day?" I say not knowing how else to start.

He exhales the smoke. "A pack."

"Oh. Wow."

I don't know how many cigarettes are in a pack.

"There's twenty in the one I buy," he runs his other hand through his hair, "Why the fuck are you here?"

"I wanted to know why your legs were so scarred."


"Because they're the only imperfect thing about you."

He scoffs. "It's none of your business."

"Is Rebecca inside?"

He looks slightly taken aback. "Yeah, why?"

"I'm going to tell her you fucked me," I start to walk around him to go and knock on the door, when he puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me, "What?", I ask innocently, "You technically did."

His brows furrow again, but he also seems amused. "What the fuck. No, I didn't."

I smile up at him. "Yes, you did," I take a step back and his hand still stays on me, "You fucked me with your eyes."

He gives an incredulous look.

"I saw you that day, Kim," His eyes widen ever so slightly and I remove his hand from my shoulder, "You came back into my place and you saw." Kim doesn't react to my hand on his so I rub his hand with my thumb. "You have a girlfriend. Why did you hesitate to leave?"

He pulls his hand away from me. "I didn't hesitate."

I smile. "Sure you didn't. And I didn't play with myself."

He shakes his head and brings the cigarette to his lips again and takes another long drag. His eyes close for a moment and he exhales. "I saw you and I left." He flicks off the leftover ash.

"You saw for longer than you should've," I tease, "Not that I mind. You made me orgasm faster."

His face flushes and he scratches the side of his face for a second with his index finger.

"You're so cute, Kim. Look how flustered you're getting. You were like that when you saw me," I wrap my arms around him, "Did you like what you saw?"

"Get off of me." He tries to pry my arms away, but I'm grabbing on strongly and won't let go. He rolls his eyes.

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