Chapter 12

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After that horrible day. I went for a walk in the forest by myself. I was walking then I saw a wolf. It was not just any type of wolf, it was a spirit wolf. I read where if you see a spirit wolf, it's your spirit wolf. I walked a little bit towards my spirit wolf.
"Um. Hello. Whats your name?" I asked.
"Huh. You can see me?" Spirit wolf asked.
"Um. Yeah. Why would I be talking to you if I couldn't see you?" I replied.
"A voice can talk to you in your head. Then you could have been talking back to it in your head." He said.
"Well that is true. You haven't answered my question." I said.
"Oh sorry. My name is Moki." Moki said.
"I like that name. Moki. Cool name." I said.
"Oh. Thanks I guess. I can't believe that you can see me." Moki said.
"Hey Moki I'm going to head home. I never really learned about spirit wolves. Do you follow me around?" I asked.
"I do actually. Lets go home. You could show me around. Also you can talk to spirit wolves in your head." Moki replied.
"Wow! Thats pretty cool." I said. "Lets go home now."
We headed home and had a great conversation. Moki is actually a pretty nice wolf. She is a good spirit wolf. I told Moki about what is going to happen. She told me about her special one. She once was a normal wolf.
"Listen Kayta." Moki said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"A spirit wolf is rare to have. They give powers to wolves. Any type of power ice, water, fire, earth, and air." Moki said. "What power would you like to gave?"
"I would love to control ice. I choose ice as a power." I replied.
"OK. I will give you the power of ice tonight. Its easier to do when you are asleep." Moki said.
"OK. I will not question that." I replied.
"Thanks Kayta. Its hard to explain." Moki said.
When we got to the caves. I showed Moki around. She loved it. I told my friends about her. There is a way that spirit wolves can talk to other wolves. The other wolves can't see them. I showed Moki the cave. I kept the secret about the hidden room. She can't read my thoughts. Only if I'm talking g to her in my head than yeah, other wise Moki can't read my mind.

In the morning I ate breakfeast. Then when I was done I had to go do some leader stuff. Moki came along with. When we got to the meeting cave, we all sat down and talked.
"We were threatened by a lone wolf. This is bad. Lone wolves are really strong." A wolf said.
The wolf's name is strictly. He is the leader of a pack. They don't have a wolf name.
"I can find and kill that lone wolf." I said.
Everywolf looked at me.
"We can't risk you. You are the strongest leader in the whole forest." Strictly said.
"I am too. I'm going right now." I said.
I ran out the cave entrance fast. I could hear them yelling to stop. I started to sniff around for the scent of a lone wolf.

I found it and ran. I ran and ran and ran. I could see Moki running beside me. Then I saw the lone wolf. His ears were all ripped up. His body was full of scratches. I steathly snuck up behind him. He looked and growled. I also growled.
"What do you want wolf?" He snarled.
"You threatened a pack. I have a alliance with that pack." I growled.
"Oh no I'm so scared." He replied.
"I'm Kayta. The forests strongest wolf leader. What is your name wolf?" I snarled.
"My name is Pinkeye." Pinkeye replied.
Pinkeye is a powerful wolf. I remembered him when he stated his name. I got mad. I growled louder and louder.
"Wow now Kayta back off." Pinkeye said.
"No!" I growled.
I launched at him. I was iting and scratching him hard. He was.doing the same. We were fighting for 30 minutes. I got him worn out. Then I attacked him. He had no energy. He was already in enough pain. So I killed him. There he lay. A dead body of a lone wolf. I was pretty proud that I killed a really strong wolf. After the fight I headed to the meeting cave and showed them. We walked through the forest and they were amazed. Before they could say anything, I was gone. I ran home.

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