Foxxay: Shopping

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Foxxay One-Shot
Prompt: Imagine Person A of your OTP is a single parent with an adopted child. One day they go shopping and Person A spots Person B from the other side of the store, and Person A is not able to look away. Then, Person A's child asks why they're staring at Person B, then without an answer, goes up to them an smiles innocently, "Hi there Mr/Miss! My mommy/daddy thinks you're really pretty/handsome!" Making Person B smile and look up to see a very flustered and embarrassed Person A.

"Mommy, mommy! Can I help you pick out some of your clothes?" Ella, Cordelia's daughter asks her excitedly as they walk hand in hand in to the mall.

"Sure, baby girl." Cordelia says laughing and Ella smiles widely and leads her to one of the stores that sell women's clothing.

Ella leads her mother through many racks of clothing and has her try on probably half of the store. As they're looking at some coats Cordelia see a beautiful curly haired blonde.

"What about this one?" Ella asks her mother, holding up a black and white coat in the older blonde's size.

"Mommy," Ella says noticing her mother not paying attention to her

"Hm?" Cordelia hums as her daughter tugs at her sleeve. Ella sighs and moves to where she can see what her mom is looking at. She looks and sees a woman about her mom's age. Ella sets the coat she was holding up for her mother down and goes over to the woman. Cordelia notices her daughter walking towards the woman, but is too late. Ella taps on the woman's elbow and the woman looks down at her.

"Hi there Miss! My mommy thinks you're really pretty!" Ella says smiling at the woman innocently. The woman looks slightly confused, but smiles when she sees what seems to be the little girl's mom running towards them panicking.

Once Cordelia gets over to her daughter and the woman is she picks Ella up.

"I'm so sorry!" Cordelia says nervously while Ella scowls at her causing the other woman to have stifle to a laugh at how adorable the pair look together.

"It's ok. I think you're really pretty too. I'm Misty." The woman says smiling and holding her hand out for the other woman to shake. Cordelia blushes and shakes Misty's hand.

"I'm Cordelia and this is my daughter Ella." The older blonde says and Ella smiles at the two.

"Well, Cordelia, how would you like to go out for lunch some time?" Misty asks and Cordelia smiles and bites her bottom lip.

"I would love to."

Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I know this is short, but I found this prompt on Tumblr and I really liked it. Sorry for any grammatical errors! Please remember to send in some prompts and stuff. I do pretty much everything so yeah. You guys can even send in songs because I've started working on some stuff like that.... I don't really have much to say. Oh, I'm thinking about starting a Sarah and Lily imagine Tumblr blog because there's not many of those... so yeah. Should I?

-xox Tiffany Maxwell

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