Headconon #7

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Sportacus got a idea. Sportacus happily excused himself and flipped out of the bunker  ran across town to the mayor's office and asked if they could throw a party for Valentine's day and for Robbie's birthday. And of course  the mayor said yes and he and Sportacus spent the next three hours planning the party they would have that night. During this, Robbie sat in his lair waiting for Sportacus return getting more concerned with passing minuet. After the first two hours went by memories of his wedding day wormed their way into his stomach and soon he decided that Sportacus wasn't coming and headed off to bed. Not far after Sportacus slid down the chute landing with a flip and scaring the life out of Robbie. After a quick apology Sportacus pulling Robbie by his arm up the chute not explaining where they going. The night was a little cold and Robbie was glad that he managed grabbed his purple blazer on the way out. Sportacus nearly dragged Robbie to other side of town to an empty sports park much to Robbie's confusion. Before Robbie could think about it further the entire population of LazyTown jumped out and yelled “Surprise!!!” causing Robbie to jump up in surprise into Sportacus' arms. The sports park was illuminated with colored lights and other decorations. A banner the read, “Happy Birthday Robbie!” hung over a large dance floor. Sportacus set Robbie back on his feet and the other LazyTowners began dancing and mingling as energetic dance music filled the air. Sportacus pulled Robbie along to join the rest of the group but somehow lost him in the crowed after a while. Sportacus hadn't noticed until a slow song played and as the dance floor became less crowded he spotted him sitting in a corner alone. He walked over to him and was immediately met with a question. “Why did you do this?” to which Sportacus answered, “Because you deserve it. I know it won't change everything that has happened to you but I just thought you deserved to have at least one good memory on Valentine's day.” Robbie's eyes began to tear up and he replied with, “Thank you but I don't deserve your sympathy. You read the engraving on my ring. ‘Ugly. Unwanted. Unloved.’ I don't deserve any of this...” These words broke Sportacus' heart but this time he knew what to do. He sat down next to him and handed him a small dark purple box. “I was gonna wait till we open the presents but I think it would be better if you opened it now.” he said as Robbie opened the box. Upon seeing the contents of the small velvet blue box Robbie flushed a deep red and his heart began to flutter. Inside was a small ring with a bright blue diamond and an engraving that read, “Beautiful. Wanted. Loved.” Robbie was speachless for a long time and Sportacus began to think Robbie did not like the ring and began to apologize. Before he could get very far both this, however, Robbie tackled him in a giant hug and whispered, “I love it...thank you so much.” they stood there in a beautiful embrace for a few minutes then sat together talking and laughing as if there been best friends forever. Another slow song came on and Sportacus couldn't help but notice Robbie swaying softly to the music. He locked hands with him and with a sincere smile pulled him onto the dance floor. “But I don't know how dance.” Robbie said as Sportacus slid his arms around his neck and placed his hands on Robbie's hips. “You don't need to. You just need a partner who does.” he said as the two danced to the song “So Close” by Jon McLaughlin. Robbie surprised Sportacus with this elegant movements and how much fun the other was having. Sportacus picked him up and twirled him around making Robbie laughed the most beautiful laugh he had ever heard. After the song ended everyone (except Ziggy. He was eating) clapped and cheered the two on as they all saw the two men dancing. As the applause died down the two ran off together and sat on top of a hill that not only overlooked the party but most of LazyTown. The two mostly just sat and talked, and laughed for most of the night but the conversation turned quite quickly. “Robbie, why do you hate me?” Robbie was taken aback but answered the best way he could. “I font hate you. In fact quite the opposite really.”  In an attempt to casually confess his love he fell off one side of the hill dragging down with him. The two tumbled down the hill and landing in each others arms at the bottom. Robbie looked down at Sportacus with his greenish gray eyes shining in the moonlight. Sportacus stared right back and before either one knew what happened Sportacus leaned up and captured Robbie's lips. The kiss didn't last that long but left both of them breathless mostly from shock. The people of LazyTown were also shocked as they had witnessed the whole thing. “Are you all...OK with this?” Sportacus asked simply and to his and Robbie's surprise the were ok with it and actually felt happy for them. Robbie was speachless the entire time until a small voice caught his attention. “Whats going on?” Ziggy asked rubbing his eyes from sleep as he was sleeping under the snack table the entire time. Robbie sat Ziggy on his lap as said “Me and Sportacus are in love. Are you OK with that?” Ziggy looked from Robby to Sportacus and back again. “You better be good to him mister or else.” Robbie and Sportacus hugged the little boy as everyone laughed at the child's comment. The party ended with presents and one last energetic dance for all the attendees and Sportacus foun d his new found love a sleep with Ziggy on a near by bench. He gave Ziggy back to his mother and carried Robbie bridal style back to his airship too snuggle the night away till the next day.

A/N: The End! Hope you liked! I might make a longer, better written, narrative/fanfic version of this if you like. So tell me in the comments if you lovelies would like that! If I get enough requests I'll totally do it for yewz! Also I did not edit this after I wrote it so it might suck and/or be all over the place so feedback is appreciated. Happy V-day! Byeeee!~

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