Where's the Food?

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A man in a suit walked up to Fury,

"Director, I have a man that you will want on your team. His name is Percy Jackson," Fury regarded the finely dressed man with a cold stare and said,

"Why do you think he's good enough for my team?" The man whipped his head around and whispered,

"I can't tell you, it's classified, but Thor might be able to tell you. Ask him," he said. And with that, the man walked out of the office, and disappeared.

Director Fury contemplated the man's words, and decided to ask Thor about him. He drove over to the Stark Tower, Sunday was Pizza and Game of Thrones night for the Avengers.

When he arrived, he saw Stark, Agent Barton, Agent Romanoff, and Thor with their eyes glued to the T.V. and Dr. Banner and Steve Rogers trying their hardest to ignore the very graphic show. There were six pizza boxes, three two-liter bottles of soda, and an untouched bowl of salad (most likely Ms. Potts trying in vain for the group to eat "healthy foods")

"Ahem." Fury cleared his throat, and Rogers, Romanoff, Barton, and Banner snapped to attention. Stark and Thor remained unaware of him. He turned the T.V. off just as a sword came down on a man.

"NO!!!" Thor and Tony yelled at the same time,

"No! We have to see what happens to Ned!!!" Tony yelled, and Thor also voiced in,

"Stark is right! We must see if Eddard Son of Rickard Stark perishes or not!" Fury's face furrowed into a frown.

"Thor, I need to talk to you about a certain boy named Perseus Jackson." Thor's face darkened considerably,

"Perseus Jackson is a great hero. He has gone through more than anyone. He is strong willed, and very independent. If you want to recruit him, you're going to need a lot of back-up." Natasha spoke up,

"Woah woah woah. Are we talking about Percy Jackson? Like black hair, green eyes, and spy, Percy Jackson?" Clint followed,

"If you want to recruit him, you're gonna have a damn hard time. The dude's been trained by the best, and is an expert assassin. Who do you think killed that Russian Minister before he leaked top secret information?" Fury frowned,

"He had a heart attack."

"That's just how good he is at his job." Natasha replied, Steve and Tony exchanged looks,

"Wait, hold on, who is this guy anyway?"

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, age seventeen-"

"We're recruiting a kid?! And what?! He's an expert assassin?!" Steve yelled, "Has the wold changed so much as to make kids murder people?!" The crew burst into argument.

"May I finish?" Fury said with an annoyed expression. Everyone nodded,

"As I was saying, He is a caucasian male that went off the radar for quite a while. We only found him after hacking into his bank vault. It contained military secrets, weapons still in our prototype office, documents on the officials of the world, quite a sum of money, and his passport. Mr. Jackson probably won't be travelling any time soon, and is located three blocks from Central Park. I need you to go with Agent Coulson and detain him with speed and grace. Weapons are-"

"No." Clint said,

"Excuse me?"

"No weapons. He get's edgy when they're pointed at him, and might go into battle mode. What we need is a six pack of Coke, three things of Oreo's, and hidden spies."

"How do you even know him if he's so classified?" Tony asked,

"We... ran into... Natasha help me out."

"We met in Budapest, and we.... went out for coffee." she said uncertainly,

"Agent Romanoff, you are a level ten classified spy, are you telling me this seventeen year old was in Hungary with elites 'drinking coffee'?"

"Uh, yeah. You know what? Ask him once you detain him!" Clint and Natasha went on to start mumbling to each other in Chinese, so no one would understand them.

"Fine. I need you all to suit up, we're going to the cemetary. Mr. Jackson has been spotted there." And with that, Fury left.


Steve POV

After setting up at the cemetary, we waited for two minutes. Then, at exactly 8:30, someone walked into view.

We watched in silence as a tall black haired teenager laid a bouquet of white lilies on a grave. He fell to his knees and held his head in his hands. The silence of the night was broken by the anguished sobs that racked through the kid's body. Tears dripped onto the dirt as he kept repeating,

"I'm so sorry Annabeth." I wondered what this kid had done to be so sorry. He looked up at the sky,

"Are you happy now?! Are you happy?! She's dead! Now you can get me out of your way! Kill me! Let me be with her!!" Thunder rumbled, and suddenly it started to rain. Coulson walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder,

"Agent, I've been told to detain you. You're coming with us." Perseus stood up and wiped his eyes,

"Sorry sir, but no. I won't be coming with you. I'm not taking another mission for a while. Get someone else to do your dirty work." Coulson nodded, and spoke into his earpiece,

"Commence." Thor and Stark came at him, and attacked. The kid only sighed and fought back. I decided to step in, and once he saw my shield, he gave a grim nod and pulled a sword out of nowhere.

"Let's go old school then." Thor gasped in delight,

"It's Anaklusmos! The revered Riptide!" I frowned at him while trying to avoid being hacked to pieces. Stark shot beams, and he dodged every single one of them,

"Can't a guy freaking mourn his damn girlfriend in peace?!" he growled, and suddenly the rain began to come down harder, and thunder boomed,

"Thor! This is not the place to be showing off!" I yelled, and he shrugged,

"That's not me! It's him!" I could tell the kid had lots of things on his mind, his eyes were distant, as if he didn't see us. A burst of lightning fell from the sky and hit Jackson straight on the chest. We fell back as he spasmed from the electricity. He fell over and mumbled

"Annabeth" and lost consciousness as soon as the rain stopped. We were all out of breath, and Coulson had men put the teenager on a stretcher,

"The kid wasn't even giving it his all." Natasha said, and Tony swore,

"What I want to know is, where he learned to fight like Spartacus! You don't get that from the government! I know! I've seen their training files, even the most elite ones! Oops." Clint and Natasha were glaring at him,

"He seemed really upset before Coulson talked to him." I said, Tony gave me a look,

"Yeah like we all couldn't see him crying buckets at the gravesite of a girl."He said sarcastically, Thor spoke up,


"Excuse me?"

"Her name was Annabeth, and she was his girlfriend. She... she died a very painful death, but her death ended a very large war. She was considered a hero, and he held her in his arms until she closed her eyes. She was an aspiring architect. Percy has all of her things if you wish to see her designs." he said, and left towards one of the black vans,

I had no idea which war he was talking about, but it sure as hell must have meant a lot to Percy. We all separated into different vans, and drove back to Stark Towers.

Percy POV

I woke up aching. I was in a white room with a sink and nothing else. I looked around, and waved at a corner, camera. After feeling my pockets and making sure my pen was still there, I limped over to the sink, and turned the water on. I splashed my face a few times and felt the flow of energy hum through me. My wallet was gone, and so was my handy dandy spare gun.

The door opened, and a blonde woman walked in,

"Hello Mr. Jackson, I'm Sara Hills and I came here to check up on yo-"

"Drop the act. I know that's an alias."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tell me your real name, and I'll let you leave here with all of your bones intact, don't tell me your name, and they can bring a stretcher for you." I said darkly,

"You wouldn't." she squeaked, I scoffed as the sink exploded,

"Try me."

"Maria James." she said with uncertainty, liar liar.

"Now now, what did I say about lying?" she quickly ran out of the room, and I was alone once again. The door creaked open,

"You have a hell of a lot of nerve don't you." A redhead walked in. "Percy you made a girl cry, and it was her first assignment as a level seven."

"Nice to see you to Natasha. So, who am I supposed to kill now? The Pope? The Japanese President? Who is my next target?" she looked sad,

"No one. I'm here to ask you if you can control your temper long enough to meet my boss and team."

"Psh. Sure, do you have food?"

"A six pack of Coke and three packs of Oreo's." I stood up immediately,

"Lets go meet your boss shall we?"

We walked out of the room, and into a conference room where Comicon was being held. There was a guy in a metal suit, a guy in a spangly outfit, and one with armor and a cape. I looked at them sullenly,

"Well, I forgot to bring my costume. Comicon can continue without-"

"Please sit down, Mr. Jackson." A dude with a eyepatch said calmly. I frowned, and grabbed a chair. Natasha took a seat next to Clint.

"Clint! What's up? I haven't seen you since Budapest!" Clint nodded with a faint smirk on his face,

"You still owe me new tires, after you slashed mine."

"But I bought you coffee!" Clint gave me his "are you freaking kidding me" look. Eyepatch spoke up,

"Mr. Jackson, I want to know where you got your training. I sent our best team to detain you, and you managed to defeat S.H.I.E.L.D.'s greatest. Where did you get your training? Afganistan? Pakistan? Germany? Russia? North Korea?"

"None of the above. Man, I'm hungry. Hey TinMan," I pointed to the guy in the metal suit, "I thought there was food here." He gave me an indignant look,

"Tinman?! I'm Iron Man!" I looked at him blankly.

"Am I supposed to know you?" He shot me a glare and threw me a satchel with my phone, wallet, and food. I checked my phone, 3 New Messages.

<Agent, we have a new target. Professor of Thermonuclear Astrophysics Dr. Erik Selvig. Question him on the M9-21 Southern Peninsula Effect. If he knows too much, dispose of him.>

<You have one week>

<Do NOT join the Avengers. You may affiliate yourself with SHIELD, but do NOT join the Avengers Initiative.>

Well, orders were orders, and I needed to get the job done. I looked up, and saw everyone staring at me,

"Well, if we could get straight to the point. I have work to do. Anyone know a Dr. Erik Selvig?" The dude in the armor looked up, but didn't respond. Thanks big guy. Eyepatch man resumed talking,

"We want you to join the Avengers Initiative." I nodded,

"I thought you would, sorry, but I'll pass. If you need an assassin, or spy, or whatever, call me." I threw a contact card down onto the table."I'll be SHIELD's newest spy or whatever, but I won't join the Avengers. It's not that I'm not, like honored, but I'm content with my work, and I want to keep my job. So... Bye." I said, and I walked out of the room holding the satchel.

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