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Perseus Jackson

Olympus was beautiful, Annabeth's work had not gone to waste. I received looks of awe as I walked through the bustling streets.

I took a deep breath before entering the Council Hall.

The gods were all sitting at their thrones in their Greek attire. I knelt in front of my dad,

"Forgive me, father." My voice was hoarse. He nodded, and I knelt to Zeus. "Lord Zeus." I muttered. He nodded, and I walked back to where I had been standing.

"Percy Jackson, welcome back to our world." Zeus smiled, I nodded,

"Thank you." He looked at the others, and they all nodded their consent.

"Percy Jackson, we have decided that because you were at the time, missing in action; your single wish was to be delayed. So, Perseus Achilles Jackson, what is it you desire the most?" He asked. I took in the info.

"I know I can't bring the dead back to life, but I wish for Annabeth to come back into my life as someone of great importance. As somebody I would hold and cherish forever." I declared solemnly. All of the gods nodded,

"Let it be done! I, Zeus, King of the Gods, swear on the River Styx to return your love back to you in a different way." He announced,; thunder boomed, and lightning crackled above. "Poseidon. I believe you wished to speak with your son." He smiled, and walked out of the room. The other gods followed suit, and I was alone with my dad.

"Father, I'm so-" I started, but I was engulfed in a hug.

"I don't care. You're home, and you are safe." He muttered. I nodded, hugging him back.

"Dad, I-I know a girl, her name is Michelle, and I don't know what I should do. Am I allowed to date her after Annabeth?" I asked, and Poseidon smiled,

"I don't know. Why don't you ask her?" He said, and a fine mist collected in the room. Then, there she was. My beautiful Annabeth.

"Percy." She smiled at me, "You have to move on from me. I'm waiting for you in Elysium, but soon, I'm going to be reborn into the world. I know all of the details you shouldn't worry about. Sally and Paul are doing fine. They were given immediate access to Elysium. I'm going to be with you in a few years." She said, I nodded,

"Annabeth Hadrien Chase, I love you so much, and thank you. You're right, I've been moping for too long, and I'll be with you again. I love you so much, and I'll see you in a few years." I pulled her in for a final kiss,

"Oh Seaweed Brain, you made me so worried." She whispered, I nodded,

"I'm sorry, I love you. I love you." I muttered, and she kissed my cheek, and disappeared.

I felt new. Whole. I had seen her, spoken to her, and said a final farewell. I loved her so much, but now, I was moving on. I had my entire life ahead of me, and I was going to take it step by step.

"Thank you, Father."

"Percy, a message has been sent to your employers. You will keep your status and rank, but you have been honorably discharged from the ranks of Elite. A formal discharge will be issued, so you're able to still access whatever you need.  You're free to go." He explained, hugged me, and evaporated me back to camp. There, a hero's welcome was waiting for me, but I didn't stay long. I headed straight for Stark Towers, and enveloped my parents in a huge hug.

"Um, ok. Physical contact with hormonal teenager." Tony mumbled, and Pepper shut him up. I thanked them for everything, and I even apologized to Thor.

The next place I went to was Michelle's apartment. I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she agreed happily. I knew someday, I would bring her to Camp, introduce her to everyone, and introduce her to my family. Nico, Thalia, the Stolls, Katie, and all the rest of them.

They say that people create their own demons. I had created mine, let it grow, thrive, and prosper off of my own fears. It had completely taken over me, and made me something I wasn't. Now, I had destroyed it. My monster was gone, and it would remain buried underneath different memories for a very long time.

Being swords-master at camp was tiring, but really fun. I still got nightmares, but those didn't last very long. Thor and Jane took a vacation to his home-planet, and they had a Norse wedding there, and a human wedding in America. Natasha and Clint got married, and Bruce found a super nice girl named Marie. We all kind of parted ways, each taking his own path.

I found out who I was. I always remembered the Governor of Michigan, the one who told me my life was more than just killing powerful people. My name was long, but my story is even longer.

I am Perseus Achilles Jackson, The Son of Poseidon, and Saviour of Olympus, and I am forever.



Thanks for reading! I want to thank everyone who's helped me along the way!

@Arkhamgirl and @Unicornsrock2018 you guys are both such beautiful and amazing people. Thank you guys so much for helping me throughout the book. I'm proud to be your best friend!

@elitist thank you so much for the amazing book cover, I hope to work with you more often! Thanks!

And to my readers, you guys are amazing. I could not have done this without you; you are the reason this book is still standing!

Epilogue is next!


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