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Percy Jackson

4 Years Later...

"Die! Go die in a hole!" Michelle yelled at me. I laughed as she threw her Wii controller onto the ottoman.

"It's not my fault you suck at Wii Tennis!" I laughed and she glared at me.

"Shut up. You annoy me," She growled and I hugged her.

"You know, this is kind of how I imagined spending the last days of college. Just you and your rage quits, me, and Wii Tennis," I said and Michelle scoffed.

"Believe me, I'm better than you at a lot of stuff. So ha," I raised an eyebrow and she nodded. "Bow to my glory!"

"You sound like Apollo and Tony," I smiled and she laughed.

"Tony has been rubbing off on me."

"I can tell. You ready for a rematch or is it time for dinner?" I asked and Michelle stood up.

"You keep playing. I'm making dinner," She called and I hit restart.


We walked along the beach, me in a pair of swim trunks and Michelle in a t-shirt and shorts. We graduated yesterday and before the partying began, we decided to take a walk. I took her by the hand and led her down to where our cabin stood.

"Michelle, we did it. We graduated," I faced the ocean and she nodded.

"Now, our party is in five hours, so I'm going to have to clean the apartment and cook. Percy, you're going to get the grill going, you are going to clean the living room, and move your X-Box out from our room to the living room," She told me and I nodded.

Even though we graduated, we still had Saturday night get togethers. While the guys played on whatever I had out, Michelle and Kory painted each other's nails and did other weird girl things.

I was thoroughly freaked out when Michelle pulled an entire basket full of nail polish, brushes, irons, this rod thingy that curled your hair, magazines, hairspray, and a lot of other really scary girl things from under the bathroom cabinet.

I looked at Michelle and took her hand. I knelt down in the sand and her eyes widened.

"Michelle, I love you and you're beautiful and I had a speech prepared but Tony's dog ate it," She laughed breathlessly. "But I don't need a speech because I love you. I think you're an amazing person and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So... Michelle Byron, will you become Michelle Jackson and marry me?" I pulled the box out and opened it.

The ring was one that had been passed down in my family for a long time. It had gotten lost after my great grandmother had it, so I used my resources and tracked it down to a museum in Paris. I got it back through proving it was mine and showing certificates and whatnot. The band was braided platinum with small diamonds in it. The diamond was 5 carats and has small sapphires around it.

Michelle wiped her eyes and nodded.

"Yes! Yes!" She cried and I slid the ring onto her hand. She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her.

"Now the big problem is telling Kory and the others," I laughed and she giggled.

"Be prepared to get hit on the back, Percy," I took her now engaged hand and we walked back to the car. We had a party to prepare for.


"Hi!" Michelle hugged Kellam and Adam as they walked in.

"Woah, look who's in a good mood!" They laughed and Michelle nodded. I had burgers and hotdogs grilled and Michelle made macaroni, mashed potatoes, salad, and desert. Kellam brought champagne and Adam brought beer.

Kory came next and hugged me when I opened the door. Michelle waved and Kory glared at her.

"What?" Michelle asked and the guys turned.

"There's something different about you..." Kory glared and she took a deep breath. "Something platinum, diamonds, sapphires, and- HOLY SHIT 5 CARATS?!" She ran over to Michelle and they looked into each other's eyes. For five seconds of utter silence, they stared at each other. I was feeling pretty scared at what was going to happen.

Suddenly, Kory took Michelle's hands and they began to scream while jumping up and down. I looked at Adam and Kellam who were thoroughly terrified.

"What's going on?" Kellam asked and Adam nodded.

"What is wrong with them?" Kory ran and hand through her hair and sighed. She and Michelle hugged.

"You guys are so blind, Michelle's engaged!" She said and they stood up.

"What? Really?!" Michelle showed them her ring and Adam slapped my back.

"Nice, Percy!" Kellam hit me as well.

"Seriously! Congrats Michelle!"

"Alright, we can fawn over me later, but the burgers are getting cold, so let's have dinner, everyone!" Michelle called and we all sat at the table and began to eat. I looked at my friends and fiance and realized that I could never be happier.

And that was a fact.

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