Pulling the Trigger

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Phil Coulson

I watched as Percy Jackson walked out of the conference room, and heard a voice in my intercom.

"I want two tags on him at all times."

"Yes sir." Thor walked out of the conference room, and followed Percy's path. I spoke into my ear piece,

"I need Agents McDonald and Watson tailing Percy Jackson at all times. Do not be discovered."

Thor POV

I followed him into the elevator,

"Perseus, why did you question the name Erik Selvig?" I demanded,

"No reason." I was annoyed. Jane worked with Erik Selvig, and she might come into danger.

"I need a reason."

"I need to ask him questions for work." I relaxed, only questions. That was fine, then. I separated from him at the bottom of the elevator, and walked into the other elevator.

Percy Jackson

In two days I was in Texas. I walked around aimlessly until I found a science-y looking garage, I walked in,

"Hello?" I called out, and a girl with wavy brown hair walked towards me,

"Hi, can I help you?" she seemed nice enough,

"I'm Agent Jackson, and I need to find a man named Erik Selvig." I said showing her one of my ID's. It was the one without "Level 12 Assassin" written on it.

She nodded,

"Well, you've found him! He works here, I'm Jane Foster by the way. Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?"

"No thank you ma'am. I'm here on business, and business only." she nodded, and muttered about "the government never letting people take a break". When she returned, there was an elderly man with her.

"Dr. Selvig, this is Agent Jackson." she said, and left without a word. I looked at him and smiled,

"Sir, let's go out for a drink, shall we?" I asked, and he nodded warily.

After a few shots of vodka, Selvig was teetering on the edge of intoxication. Being underage, I had slipped the bartender a large bill, and ordered water in a shot glass. I gently took him to a secluded area and began questioning him,

"What do you know about M9-21 Southern Peninsula Effect?" He grinned at me,

" I wasn't supposed to -hic- read the file you -hic- see. I remem-hic-ber. M9-21 is the government's plan for sending more troops into -hic- places like Afganistan and Pakistan. Then, the Southern Peninsula -hic- Effect part is for how they are going to attack the -hic- terrorists." he started laughing.

I had enough information to know that he knew too much, I pulled one of my Russian pistols out and shot two silent bullets into his vital points. It was a job well done, and that was it. I deposited his body back at his workplace and silently left.

I knew I should have done a better job of cleaning up, but I had a lot on my mind.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called The White House Chief of Foreign Affairs.

"It's done." I said,

"Good, three million dollars have been wired to your vault in New York. The President sends his regards." I tapped the end call button and braced for a monster attack, but none arrived, so I took off towards a hotel and got a room.

I went out to take a walk, and when I reached an alleyway I turned around,

"You know I know you're there. You can come out." I said, and two men walked towards me. "So is SHIELD really having me followed?" I didn't wait for a response, I quickly ran towards them and knocked both out. "So much for sleeping in Texas." I grumbled and called a taxi to the airport. My suit had gotten slightly dirty, and was getting sand on the upholstery. Groaning internally, I dusted myself off. I looked around and when we stopped at the airport, I threw the driver a fifty and walked into the large building.

I stopped in front of a United Airlines desk,

"May I help you?" a petite brunette asked, I nodded,

"When are the next departure times from here to New York?" she looked at her screen for a minute,

"We have a plane leaving in three hours."

"I need a business class ticket on that flight." she looked at me uncertainly,

"I'll need an ID please." I handed her my CIA ID, she glanced over it with wide eyes, "I'll also-also be needing a form of payment." I nodded and handed her a credit card. She printed the ticket and handed my credentials back to me,

"Th-th-thank you for flying United Airlines." I nodded and went to a cafe for some food.

After three cups of coffee, a bottle of water, and two danishes, I decided to go wait for the plane. I grabbed my breifcase and walked through the empty business class line. The fat policeman gave me a once over before looking at my ticket and ID. He gasped and looked at me with wide eyes,

"But, you're so young!" he whispered, and I took my things back and nodded,

"Yes, I am." and I walked into the security checking area. I took my shoes and jacket off, and tossed my watch, briefcase, belt, and phone into one of the boxes. I stepped through the metal detector and it buzzed, then the x-ray scan for my baggage went off. Whoops, must have forgotten about my guns.

"Sir, we're going to need to take you to the other room." a female police officer said, taking my arm. I shook it off,

"No, I need to be on this flight. Here," Again, I pulled two of my ID's out, she gave them a once over and beckoned for three more police officers. They examined my things and nodded,

"So sorry for the commotion sir." I nodded,

"You were just doing your job." Then I grabbed my remaing items and walked over to Gate A-3.

I must have been a sight to see, scuffed black suit, briefcase, and the traditional Aviators. A little boy walked up to me and tugged on my jacket, I looked up and saw his mother walking towards us,

"Are you a spy?" he asked. I was going to give him the straight up "no, I'm a business man", but I stopped myself.

"Yes. I am a spy." he grinned,

"Are you CIA or FBI?" I frowned at him,

"I'm a bit of both, but I'm mostly CIA." Yeah I did have three ID's. His mother grabbed his arm,

"Oh, I'm so sorry. He just wanted to know if you were a spy. It's my fault. I should have taught him that just because a man is in a suit, it doesn't mean he's a spy." I smiled,

"I was just telling him about my work, could he stay? I mean, you could sit with him." she looked at me wierdly,

"What do you do for a living?" Oh gosh, I could come up with like twenty different answers, kill people, track them down, interrogate other spies, take down leaders of the world, etc. Instead I said,

"Well, your son was right, I am a spy." the little boy clapped his hands together,

"See momma! I toldja so!" the lady frowned,

"Really?" I pulled my ID out for the billionth time.

"Agent Jackson, at your service." The boy looked at me in complete awe.


We will now begin boarding flight 209-153 From Texas International to JFK National Airport. If I could have our business class and senior citizens begin boarding first, thank you.

I stood up,

"It was nice meeting you guys." I said, and walked towards the terminal.

Of course, the plane ride was hell. I didn't knowing Zeus knew I was alive, but I was alive, I kinda laid low for a bit. But, still, throughout the plane ride, I had bullets dripping down my face.

Thor Odinson

The little black contraption Stark gave me began to buzz. The screen read, Swipe to Answer, so I swiped.

"Thor!" a female voice cried out,

"Jane? Are you trapped inside this black box?! What sorcery is this?!"

"No, I'm in Texas. This is just a form of communication! Thor I need your help! It's Erik! He-he-he's dead!" she sobbed,

"What?! What do you mean he's dead?!" I yelled into the thingy.

"I don't know! I was making c-c-coffee, and he wasn't down yet, so I went to check up on him, and there he was! In his bed with blood around his head!" I was shocked, who could have done this to him?! Then it hit me,

"Jane, did anyone visit Dr. Selvig?" I heard her gasp,

"There was an Agent Jackson, but he was so nice and-." I glared out the window,

"Jane, I need you to stay calm, and don't call your mortal Peace Keepers."

"Don't call the police?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" She was right, Jackson might target her next,

"Jane, fly over to New York, and stay with me. I can't bear to lose you, and I'm afraid Jackson might target you next. Please come to New York" she sniffed,

"Ok, I just-just, oh my God, Thor. I just can't believe anyone would want Erik dead!" She sobbed. I felt fury bubbling up inside me,

"Don't worry Jane, I will deal with Jackson."

"O-hic-Kay. I'll try to get there as soon as possible. Bye."

"Good-Bye my dearest." And the little black rectangle went dead. In a mad rage, I threw it at a wall, the box shattered, and the wall had a noticeable dent in it.

Why would anyone want Selvig dead?! And of all people, Percy Jackson! He was supposed to be a hero! Not a murderer, he lead armies, and won battles! Why?!

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