The Demon Child Appears

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Thor POV

I watched Jackson writhe in pain, screaming, and clutching his head. His gut wrenching screams made me look away, and realize that he was in an emotional mess. I was the one that had brought this upon him.

Did he deserve it? I wasn't sure. Yes, he did murder my friend, but did he know he was doing it? I could see sweat and tears joining together, and the boy clutching his head in his hands, screaming.

Had Eric screamed? Had he felt any pain?

Dr. Banner was silently fuming, and Clint was restrained. No one was there to stop Percy Jackson from killing himself from the inside.

Suddenly, one of the glass walls shattered, and the shards fell over Percy. He stopped his mental torture as shard after shard bounced off of him harmlessly. He looked to the empty wall, touched it, and said something. Then he toppled over,

"Is this what you wanted Thor? To torture a young man for your own greed?" Fury asked as he sent people into the room to collect Percy Jackson. I contemplated his words.

"I must speak with Jane." I said, and I hurried out of the room. Jane was waiting for me in the other room, tears in her eyes,

"Thor, I've never heard someone in so much pain." she whispered, and I pulled her into my arms.

"Percy Jackson is a cold blooded mur-"

"No! Thor, I totally get what you think, but what if he isn't? What if he's just lost and-and-and trying to find himself again? I mean, sure! He killed Eric, but what if he just doesn't have control?" she demanded, and I chuckled,

"Dearest one, you read too many stories." I muttered, and led her out of the room. It was in the hallway that we bumped into Natasha, who was holding three rolls of blue paper.

"Hey Jane! Thor." She addressed me with a steely glare.

"Hi, um, your friend... you should check up on him." Jane muttered, and Natasha ran into Percy Jackson's quarters. She wouldn't find him there, he was being treated in Dr. Banner's lab. I felt a burning hatred in my heart, but somehow it fizzled. Perhaps Jane was right, maybe Perseus did need help and consolation.

Natasha POV

He wasn't in his room. I pressed my intercom,



"Where's Percy? Over."

"He's in Banner's lab. You might want to check on him. Over." He said, and I took off running.

Slamming the door open, I saw Percy laying on a metal bed. Banner was unbuttoning his white shirt.

"What happened to him?" I demanded, and Banner looked up,

"They listened to Thor and decided to put someone diagnosed with PTSD in his worst nightmare. I believe he has a concussion, and minor tissue damage. He's not in stable condition, and I can't get any needles or syringes into him. It's like his skin is made of steel!" He finally got the buttons undone and Percy's shirt came off. I gasped, his chest and arms were crisscrossed with scars and burns. From small ones about an inch long, to huge gashes, close to two feet in length. Banner sucked in his breath,

"JARVIS, call the team together in my lab please." he said, and we turned the sleeping kid over, his back was even worse. His back was covered in long, thin, white lines. Most of them were overlapping, some were jagged, and some were straight. Jackson had a tattoo on his arm,

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