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On an agonizing short notice from Ashton, she swiped her car keys from the nice marble bar in the kitchen and slipped on her medium top all black converse without tying them before plunging out to the plummeting hazardous temperature which wasn't bad if she was covered properly, yet she was only wearing her thin, red checkered flannel.

Her fingers hurt to bend at first since the cold had froze them, but once she was in her car and the heat was blasted, she became okay. Her vehicle was an old model that didn't have an auxiliary chord, yet cassette tape slot and CD slot, so she inserted the Hello album by Hedley.

His voice sent her into tranquility and his genre of music is completely different, sliding into the alternative pop type lane. The beats were quiet and mesmerizing, his voice soft and mellow. Sure, he never really came on the radio, but it's all based on opinion as to who is better in the music industry and some people's opinions are rubbish.

At first, while she waited in traffic by the airport, she was thinking that this was a hoax. It was insane to her that she was driving to meet someone who she didn't know really, their friendship was a complete accident and she never imagined that he would be one of the most important people in her life, yet Ashton is and she can't change that.

On the other hand, he sat in the small airport, fidgeting in his seat, wondering if she was actually on her way or if she backed out. He was crooked if she never showed up, but he was dismayed if he actually thought he was able to just show up and expect the best out of her, it was insane.

Ashton began getting noticed as he sat inside the airport with his luggage sitting next to him on the bench. People were pointing, mostly teenagers with their parents and it was making him fairly uncomfortable because even though he's been in the music industry for a few years now, he can never get use to the fact that his privacy flew out the window that same day in 2011.

It's not that he hates being relatively familiar whenever he travels somewhere, he just despises the fact that he really can't be a normal teenager or young adult anymore since he could get mobbed anywhere he went. Yet, he knew this was someone's dream and he was living it out for the people that couldn't, so he's not complaining one bit.

Minutes later, once she had parked her car in a parking space under the garage of the airport, she jogged slowly to the entrance with her hands cradled close to her chest and when she got closer to the sliding doors that invited her into the warmth, she began noticing piles of paparazzi oozing from the entrance like pyroclastic flow from a volcano--a fast-moving current of hot gas and rocks.

She shoved through the sea of flashes and people, cameras smashing against her head as security tried holding them back. It was crazy, she's never seen anything like this before especially not in Rhode Island, this small state never endured famous visitors.

"Excuse me!" She hollered through the noise, finally spilling into the airport onto her knees since she had gotten tripped. There was loud noise that echoed through her ears when she had face planted onto the grotesque tile flooring that probably never got cleaned, and her black skinny jeans were frayed even more with the impact.

Mason stood up with a grunt, her knee had a little bloody scrape on it that she noticed when she dusted off the tan particles off her clothes, but she walked away from the madness of the entrance and continued to find Ashton, which would be near to impossible since she had no idea what he looked like.

She pulled out her phone and opened her iMessage app, sending him a quick text to alert him of her arrival. She wondered if he knew of the paparazzi in the front, maybe he even met the famous person who caused this.

Mason: Hey, I'm here. Where are you?

He texted back only moments later, his thumbs speeding over each letter tile rapidly as he looked around the area he was at, many people began crowding around the area nonchalantly, everyone staring at him and he began to fear that she wouldn't be able to find him.

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