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Ashton was hugging his family goodbye seeing as tour was finally here. It's not that he was dreading it because he loved meeting his supporters and performing for them, but he'd miss his family and he'd be gone for awhile since it's a world tour in regards to the band's new album.

"Please be careful and safe and call me if you're in trouble and--"

"Mum, I know the drill. We go over this every time I leave," Ashton laughed and watched as his family hugged Mason goodbye also. His mum gave her a kiss on the top of her head and everyone has grown to love her, treating her like their bloodline which was great for the two.

The car honked outside signaling that Ashton and Mason really had to go or they'd be late, so Ashton grabbed her suitcase from the floor along with his and they both walked out the door, waving once more before getting in the car.

Mason was squished in between Michael and Ashton, like she always is. She's seemed to become closest with those two, they make her feel most comfortable. Nothing against Calum and Luke, but Michael reminds her of Alex and Ashton is well, Ashton.

When they arrived at the airport, the group of teens looked like a bunch of psychopaths, sprinting through the place with their bags flailing around from the speed, but it was the only way they'd remotely catch their flight.

Sweating and keeling over, holding their knees, they finally made it to their gate in record time, even getting there before their flight was even called.

Ashton smiled at this, his plan was in place. Maybe he didn't plan on being late, but when he gave Calum the heads up, he pulled out Ashton's phone from his pocket and started filming.

He wanted to do this when Mason looked at her 'lowest' persay. She was in leggings and her all black medium top converse, and a plain black halter top with one of his red flannels tied around her waist. Her hair was up in the messiest bun, not one of those tumblr, takes an hour to do buns, like full on messy with hair flying in every direction and she had no makeup on, her skin was red and blotchy from lack of sleep, there were bags under her eyes, her freckles actually showed, forming a bride across her nose and she had acne dotted around her forehead, along with some acne scars near her lips and Cupid's bow, but Ashton thought she was gorgeous.

While Mason was looking around at her surroundings and observing the different types of people, Ashton bent down on one knee and pulled out a black box, grabbing Mason's hand in the process.

"Ashton what're you--" She cut herself off and gasped, her free hand fleeing in front of her mouth, "Ashton," she whispered in a warning tone.

"Today is our one year anniversary of being friends, and in that 365 days I had to get to know you and build a friendship with you, I've learned that you're sarcastic and grumpy randomly, but also sweet and humble and I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend this year with, so Mason, will you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asked, looking at Mason the entire time through his lashes.

She chuckled, smiling and leapt into Ashton's arms after she nodded a yes. After the heartfelt moment, he opened the box to show a beautiful faded gold locket cut into a perfect circle, it was earth, you could see all the continents and the longitude and latitude lines, but it was also a locket and inside was a picture of Ashton and Mason, a candid that popped up on his Twitter feed one day. The paparazzi took it, and it's still his favorite picture of them to this day.


Luke helped click the necklace around her neck and she played with the locket, clutching it in her hand as they boarded the plane and when the plane took off

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Luke helped click the necklace around her neck and she played with the locket, clutching it in her hand as they boarded the plane and when the plane took off.

Mason held hands with Ashton tightly, the whole way and she even fell asleep on the ride to their first leg of the tour, her head was laid on Ashton's shoulder and he moved around to make sure she was most comfortable.

While she was napping, he glanced over at the sleeping beauty to see her hand clutched around the locket he gave her. Ashton smiled and laid his head against hers, finally at peace.

It's crazy how just a year ago he messaged a random American girl, not even planning to get to know her. He wasn't even going to become friends with her, let alone ask her to move to Australia with him and be his girlfriend, but the world is full of surprises and it would continue to surprise them for as long as they're alive.

A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who's read this story, I've enjoyed writing it, and I can't believe it's actually finished!

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