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Mason was groggy, jet lag practically taking her life right then and there when she got off the plane and stepped in the humid Australia airport. She couldn't walk in a straight line and anything that came out of her mouth was slurred, Ashton laughed at her state because the first time was always the worst and they'd be traveling more, so she'd only adapt to it more.

"I still can't believe that you've never heard of my band before," Ashton chided, his eyes racing around the airport for his friends.

"Still can't believe you never told me you were in a band," Mason chuckled, "Wait, if we never had a paparazzi problem, would you've told me that your were famous?"

"Nope, probably not."

She nodded and watched as he grabbed his luggage from the conveyer belt. Mason was unbelievably tired, so tired that she could lay down on the floor at that second and sleep.

"M'tired," she yawned at Ashton and he patted her head.

"I know little one, let's go find my friends and then you can sleep."

She completely subsided the way he called her 'little one' when their height difference was minuscule, but being too jet lagged to do anything about it, she heard Ashton shrieking, "There they are! You're going to love them!"

Mason followed to where he was pointing with her eyes, a red headed boy with tattoos, and next to him was a short guy with tattoos also, then a tall dude with broad shoulders who was standing there awkwardly staring at Mason.

They both walked over to them, and Ashton individually bro hugged the four of them before introducing Mason.

"Guys, this is Mason. Mason, this is Luke, Calum and Michael, also known as the other three people in our band."

"Hi," she waved shyly, scooting closer into Ashton's side and burying her head in his chest.

"She's a little jet lagged, you guys can meet her properly when she gets some sleep in her system," he giggled and walked with his friends, Mason stumbling beside him.

"Ashton," she whined from beside him, causing Ashton and all his friends to stop in their tracks, "Piggy back ride?"

He grinned and squatted down low to the floor, enough for her to coil her legs around his waist, laying her head on his shoulder blades with her arms wrapped tightly against his chest.

"Her accent is so adorable," Michael whispered in his mate's ear, low enough that Mason wouldn't be able to hear.

"I know!" Ashton squealed before they walked out into the warm summer night, the light wind blowing against them as they took big strides to the black car parked in the closest space.

"What's the plan, mate?" Calum asked, wondering if they--meaning Ashton and Mason--were going back to Ashton's house or hanging at one of boy's houses since it was almost three in the morning.

"Erm, my house, I guess."


Once the car halted to a slow and steady stop, Ashton said goodbye to his friends and tried his hardest to pick Mason up cradle style in his arms, but after almost dropping her on the cement, he decided to just wake her up, knowing she'd conk out as soon as her head hit the pillow anyway.

With tripping feet, they were finally able to make it to the front door where Ashton wiggled the door knob, but to his avail, it was locked per usual.

"We have a problem," he whispered to Mason.

"Hm?" She mumbled,  tottering her weight from her left foot to her right.

"We have to climb through my bedroom window," he chuckled nervously, awaiting the angry look he was bound to get from her.


"Okay?" He questioned astonishingly.

"Yes, where's your bedroom?"

"Second floor."

"Bloody hell, Ashton," she groaned.

"You're not British!"

"But I want to be!" she bickered back, climbing on the rails of his porch and using the little upper body strength she had to hoist her up to the sun roof.

"You okay up there?" he asked.

"Yeah, you coming?"

He nodded and quickly rushed to her side, making the task at hand look like a piece of cake even after Mason struggled.

"It's right here," he tapped his window lightly with his finger and opened it, "Here, I'll help you in."

She smiled and gladly placed her foot
in his linked hands where she was able to somersault into his bedroom, rolling right into a basket of laundry, Ashton soon following behind her, falling right on top of Mason.

Moonlight shone on both their faces which were centimeters apart, "Your eyes are pretty," Ashton blurted, a blush creeping into his cheeks.

Mason grinned, "Your face is pretty," she acknowledged, and although she was telling the truth, she was so jet lagged and knew deep down she would've never said that out loud.

"Let's get to bed."

She nodded once Ashton stood up from on top of her, and gladly took his hand when he offered her help.

Mason struggled to take off her jeans, but when she did, she laid them neatly on the floor beside his bed, doing the same with her shirt and socks before she hopped under the covers, shivering lightly, even though it wasn't cold.

Ashton did the same, only he didn't cover up like her, instead he laid on top of the covers and wrapped his arms around her waist and was able to drift off to sleep once he heard steady breaths coming from her mouth.

Mason was at peace along with him, and they couldn't wait for the days ahead, endless time to spend together like they were always meant to be.

A/N: Quick filler chapter, and the book is almost over oh my gosh

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