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Ashton was the first to wake up, his sibling Harry woke him up by tapping his shoulder quite harshly for five minutes straight because he was coming upstairs to Ashton's room to drop some clothes off that the drummer left behind when he visited last and saw his brother sleeping on his bed like he never left.

"What're you doing home?" Harry asked, baffled that he was home so early, especially since he leaves on tour in less than a week, he wasn't expecting to see Ashton until holidays.

"Erm, what time is it?" He questioned in a groggy tone, rubbing his eyes then shielding them with his free arm, while the other one was wrapped around Mason, who was still sound asleep.

"Eleven-ish, mum left awhile ago, she doesn't know you're home."

"I'll be downstairs in a few, is Lauren home?" He responded, unraveling his body from the girl beside him and that's when it dawned on him that Harry hadn't even asked him about Mason.

"Yes, and she doesn't know you're home either," Harry replied as he closed the door to his brother's room. He waited until he heard footsteps leading down the stairs before getting dressed and following after them, leaving Mason to get her rest.

Ashton came stomping downstairs, holding on to the railing and rubbing his sleepy eyes which attracted the sight of his fifteen year old sister, Lauren, who practically launched into his arms before he could even come off the last step.

"Why the heck are you home?" She interrogated, looking him dead in the eye with a stern finger pointed at his nose.

"Can't a boy come home before tour to visit his little sister?" He drawled, smiling and pushing past her to pop some bread in the toaster, two for himself and two for Mason who he knew would wake up shortly.

"Yes, you can, but I have a feeling that's not why you are here," Lauren obliged, following him out to the kitchen and leaning against the door frame.

"Trust me, little one, it is why I'm here," he informed, messing with her hair before rummaging through the fridge to find various spreads for his toast that was bound to pop out of the toaster anytime now.

"Oh yeah? Then who's that girl in your bed, Ash?" Harry shouted from the couch, flicking aimlessly through different channels in hopes to find one he'll enjoy, but nothing is ever good on at this time of the day besides baby shows that he has grown out of.

Ashton groaned as Lauren peered at him with her eyebrows raised, "First off, don't say it like that, because we didn't do anything!" He hollered to clarify himself and Mason, to make sure his siblings didn't have a bad image of her already before meeting her.

"C'mon, Ashton, you guys both had no clothes on!" Harry argued.

"Wha--No, we had clothes on!"

"Yeah, underwear," He snickered which caused Ashton to roll his eyes.

"It's summer! It's hot out, can you blame us? Why am I explaining myself to a bunch of teenagers?" He muttered and listened to the toast pop.

"Correction, teenage siblings," Lauren affirmed, "So? You going to explain why you are home and why there is a girl in your bed half naked?" She acknowledged.

"Lauren, would you stop referring to her as a half naked girl in my bed? Her name is Mason and she's a...an old friend of mine--"

"Oh yeah, friend, totally," Harry blurted.

"Harry, would you stop it? Yes, she's just a friend, I promise."

Perfect timing, Mason came down the stairs, tripping over a gold rod on the third step and tumbling down to the bottom. Harry, Lauren and Ashton ran to her side, a cascade of 'are you okay's flew out of everyone's mouths. She sat up and cupped her right knee before trying to stand up, but fell back to the floor.

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