3: Play Date

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I woke up still straddling Johnny. Except I was naked. His head was rolled back onto the couch cushions. I woke up with my face pressed into his shoulder. I unglued my face from his sweaty shoulder and noticed the plum colored marks trailing from his sharp collar bones to his chest and down to lower places. I noticed the same marks on myself. 

I tried to unstick our sweaty bodies covered in various bodily fluids. Johnny groaned in his sleep as I placed my hand on his thigh and pulled my leg over his body and plopped onto the couch seat next to him.

He looked so peaceful with his messed up sex hair. I looked down at my hands and noticed a few of his hairs caught in my fingernails. Oh.

I stood up wobbly as a pain shot through from my tailbone and up my spine. God, anal is a pain in the ass.

I looked down at Johnny and was again overtaken by his innocence. He really was a beautiful man.

I shook his shoulder gently. "Johnny" I whispered, "Get up Johnny boy."
He groaned at me and lifted his eyelids half a centimeter. His blue eyes peeked out at me from his pale eyelid. A smirk erupted across his face.

"So uh, you wanna take a bath with me?" I suggested.

"Anything with you, Ty."

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