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⚓️Harry Styles⚓️

September 19, 2016


"And the last act going through to the finals is..." Ant announced opening the 16th card slowly. Louis was in front of me, his back to my front, as he held Raymond, and I had my arms around Louis' torso. I hid my face in his neck and Louis looked at me.

"Anchored!" Ant and Dec yelled making Louis and I snap our heads up and start to jump around, hugging the two announcers tightly as well as sharing a quick kiss.

⚓️Louis Tomlinson⚓️

September 29, 2016


We were halfway through the finals, when I started to get these bad stomach cramps. I ignored them for awhile not wanting to worry Simon, our mentor, or Harry.

Harry and I were onstage rehearsing. Everyone has been noticing the trouble I've had with breathing. This hasn't happened before. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder and he kissed my head. "Are you okay babe? Are you getting sick?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know," I breathed heavily. We tried he song again with Simon eyeing me closely. Halfway through, I had to run off stage. "Louis!" Harry yelled, I could hear his footsteps behind me. I ran into the bathroom, going into one of the stalls and immediately throwing up. "Lou," Harry whispered as I started to scream seeing all that was coming up was blood, and the stomach cramps getting worse.

"Simon!" Harry yelled making Simon run in. "Oh my god," he mumbled immediately calling 999. "Harry, Harry," I whimpered. "It's okay, it's okay baby. Shh, shh," he whispered seeing my breathing ragged.

Paramedics came in with a gurney, and they quickly put me on it with the help of Harry. "Get him a breathing mask," a medic demanded, and soon a mask was being placed over my nose and mouth.

I looked at Harry who had fear in his eyes. I looked down at our hands which were laced together. I squeezed his hand gently and he squeezed back. Raymond was put into Harry's arms, and we were in the back of an ambulance.

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