Wow meaningful shit

629 21 11


That was how I started this story, what, two years ago?

August 2, 2014.

How weird. Originally I wanted to create this account to write fanfiction. I liked the idea of no one knowing who I was and having a place where I could express myself through fictional characters.

But after many failed rough drafts, I gave up but not completely. I still wanted to write a story. Being the determined piece of shit I was (and still am), I wrote a crack book. People liked it. Only ten or fifteen people, but I still felt happy. I wrote more, more, and even more.

Don't worry, I know it sounds like I'm ending the book. I'm not and don't plan to anytime soon, so relax! Instead, I wanted to thank everyone who reads my story, votes or it, recommends it to their friends, and/or comments.

I know, I've thanked you guys a million times and I'm gonna thank you a million more because you make me that happy!

So yeah. That's all.

Thanks for 82.2k reads and 5.5k votes! I read as many comments as I can and I feel bad when I read one months after it was posted. But I get so many notifications I sign out of this account and on to my other one for my phones sake. I usually stay on this account within a few days of updates.

Wow I said way more than I wanted to in this chapter lmao



(Cookies if you get the refrence)

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