Rant thingy (sorry XP)

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Hey guys. Sorry this isn't an actual update, but if you're willing to read anyway, I'd like to talk about something that happened today that deeply upset me. Today, my school play was cancelled. I know what you're thinking, "omfg wot a stereeo tipical wite gerl b-ing ungratfil!!!!1!!!one!"

First, fuck yourself because preforming arts are something I take seriously and would actually like to pursue a career in. Second, I wouldn't be mad if the play was cancelled for a good reason. Maybe something bad happened to the lead role? Something major happened in an important role's life? Hell, I would've even taken the director couldn't be there for whatever reason and it had to be cancelled, but it was not so.

No, no, instead, the play was cancelled because people couldn't memorize their lines. I shit you not, these people had, not three day, not three weeks, not two months, but  OVER THREE WHOLE FUCKING MONTHS! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR LINES AFTER 3+ MONTHS INCLUDING WINTER BREAK?! God, it irritates me. 

Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't the occasional word stumble or brain fart. No, it was legitimate MAIN CHARACTERS not knowing chunks of lines. The play was short considering in the past our plays have been 2+ hours. This one was 1 hour 20 minutes. We got 60% through in 1 hour 30. The play is next week.

Obviously, I support my directors decision to cancel the play, as it was what's best for everyone's self-esteem. All I wish is that he had stayed firm in his original decision to remove those individuals who did not memorize their lines. Now, everyone who tried, who put time, effort, and commitment to this God-fucking-damn play is wasted. We will perform it privately in front of parents of the cast, but I will never EVER forgive those individuals who did not put the time and effort into memorizing lines.

Especially since the lead role was a sixth grader. Being a sixth grader like this kid once, I know for certain you didn't get half as much homework as eighth graders. Guess what, though? I memorized all my lines, my friends memorized their lines (two of them also being a major role). 4/5 of the leads were eighth grades, but because 3/5 leads couldn't get their damn shit together until the last minute, there was no chance at saving this play.

What's the point in me sharing this? Well, from the beginning you could tell most of them weren't committed. At least 2 of the lead roles, one being the main character, knew they couldn't do it. You know what they did? Well, instead of owning up to it and saying, "hey, I don't think I'm going to be able so many lines by this date. I'd like to participate but not as this character." Then someone committed would've taken over. 

So basically, if you're not committed fully to something but still want your name on the paper, DO NOT BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION. DO NOT SET EVERYONE WHO GENUINELY CARES UP FOR FAILURE. If you do, you belong in the deepest depths of Hell. God, I'm so pissed off. 

The worst part was the people who didn't try, tried to play innocent. How about go chug a gigantic bottle of bleach, mother fuckers.

Sorry, that was too far. Don't commit suicide. Ever. Anyway, I'm done here, goodbye everyone.


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