Admin thoughts, part 3

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Admin's brain: *opens the red door* Enjoy  ^u^

Everyone: *slowly walk inside*

*Pictures of Anime, Chicken legs, waffles, senpais ^u^, and fam is in dere*

America: So she doesn't only care about anime?

Japan: Aperrantry not.

Romano: *looks at England x Romano picture then throws it on the ground*  So many stupid pictures in here -_-

England: *Pics up picture of Senpai Okami* Who is this?

Senpai Okami: Meeeeeeeeeeeee!

England: ...

Senpai Okami: *Has chibi Moldova on shoulder*  Huehuehue! ^U^

America: Alright then...

Italy: Who's-a this? *pics up picture of Senpai Neko-chan*

Senpai Neko-chan: HAIIIIIIIIIII!

Everyone: ....

Germany: Vhat zhe hell is going on in here? I'm so confused who are zhese people?!

Admin's brain: Her family amd Senpais and other friends. And I'm not sure why this is here *picks up chibi bunny England* It should be in the next room...

Everyone: Next room?!

Admin's brain: *points at purple door* The room of kawaii.

Romano: There's a room for that? -__-

Spain: I wanna see it! Come on Lovi, perk up!

Romano: Screw you tomato bastard -_-

Admin's brain: *Nosebleed* Uhm...anyway! Let's gooo~! *opens door*
~~~***Continued in part 4***~~~

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