An old friend

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When I came back to this place. Here, an old friend greeted me. He smiled and bowed, like he knew me so well.

He lead me down a hallway, he called the hall of memories.

He pointed to each memory that he had been with me.

He told me that he had always been there. In the background. Behind my smiles, behind the laughs and the jokes.

He comforted me while I didn't know what to do. While I was lost.

He was a secret friend.

I never let him out. I never showed him to anybody. Just my own secret.

We wouldn't ever argue or fight. He wouldn't ever leave. He stuck to my side.

Whispering in my ear, always telling me the truth when I didn't know it.

He was the only one who did.

In the end. He never told me his name and he just disappeared...

one day I heard his voice in the wind, and I asked him where he had been?

And all he said was...

"Im a part of you... I always have been."

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