To My Sisters

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To the girls who have known me their whole life,

   I think about what life would be like without you, a world where I was an only child. That would be my definition of hell on earth. 

  I think back to the times we sang our favorite songs together. We didn't care what we sounded like.

I remember we had movie nights where would literally watch the same movie twice to three times in a row.

And even further back, when it was just me and you (Kai) and we would play house with our stuffed animals.

I was always jealous at the fact that Kai always had the biggest imagination.

And How Maile was the sweetest person alive.

And Alohi could make anyone fall in love with her just by interacting with them.

My sisters are so beautiful in their own ways. Imaginative, Kind, Charismatic. And I'm so lucky that I get to call them my sisters.

There isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss them so much my heart aches...

I love my sisters.

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