Egregious life

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    I am alone.
I've always been afraid to say it.
Scared that people will look at me with pity.

I hate the look they give me.
I hate everyone.

I hate my roommate who has betrayed me.
I'll never trust her again.

I hate her family, who lied to me about pretending to care.

I hate my father who, even though he abused me, refuses to talk to me unless he wants something from me.

I hate my mother who guilt trips me into a toxic relationship with her.

I hate my coworkers who think I'm too nice, so they use me.

I hate the guy who tries to flirt with me just so he doesn't feel alone.

I hate being alive.

I don't wanna live anymore...

Nobody cares about what happens to me...

So neither do I...

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