Surprises, surprises and more surprises!

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I sat on my bed crying it was only 2:34. I couldn't sleep. I was so hurt... Mark's fans hated me... Well they didn't know it was me... All because of the picture from Johnny Rockets, they kept retweeting it and commenting hateful things... Yeah there was SO many fans defending me but it still hurt.

*knock knock knock*

"Alyy? Are you up?" Amor asked, she was worried...I could hear it in her voice

"Yeah, I am Amor... You can come in" I said as I wiped my tears away.

"Awh love are you still reading the comments? I thought you weren't going to do that..." She walked over to me and gave me a hug

"I know but...I couldn't help it... All his fans hate me... It just hurts to know if something DOES happen with mark, they won't like me.." I looked away from her

"Alicia listen to me! Don't listen to them dam it! When it comes to YOUR happiness others shouldn't matter, yes they will be a HUGE part of your life, but in the end love will win."

"...I guess your right..."

"Good. Now go to sleep we have to get up later and hang out with mark and Matt." She told me as she got up and went to her room.

I still hadn't told her Gassy was going to be there, I told her Matt was going to be there only to surprise her. I giggled to myself, she'll probably faint, that will be so funny.

I layed down in bed and thought about mark... I wonder what he thinks of this whole thing... I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Next day

My alarm clock went off at 8:45 I was so tired and probably looked like crap. I got up,went to the bathroom and did my business. Then proceed to walk into Amor's room. She was sound asleep, I smirked evilly. I tipped toed towards her and jumped on her bed screaming bloody murder.

She shot up and fell out of bed. I just laughed like I would never laugh again.


"OI! Don't bring my mother into this!" I continued to laugh.

"I'm going to kick your ass!" She threw a pillow at me and got off the floor

"OK, hurry up we need to get to marks soon! You can kick my ass after." I said and walked out of her room and went to get dressed.

I slipped on my Of Mice & Men shirt with Austin Carlile on the front, I put on my blue skinny jeans and my black hightops. I grabbed my red flannal and head down stairs to make us a quick breakfast.

I opened some pre-made biscuits and set them in the oven and grabbed some jelly.

As those were in the oven I walked back up stairs and began to apply make up on to cover up the darkness under my eyes.

I walked out when I was done and saw Amor taking the biscuits out and getting them ready. I walked over to her and picked one up.

She was wearing some dark blue jeans, a thor shirt and her converse. She had her naturally curly hair up and a pony tail. She handed me my coffee and we got in the car. My heart raced the whole way there.

I finally pulled up on Mark's, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I looked at Amor she looked at his house in awe.

"Are you ready?" Amor asked

"More than you a more...more than you" I smirked.

"what was that?" she asked

time skip

We got out,locked the car and walked up to the front door. Amor knocked on the door and Mark opened the door. I smiled and blushed

"Hey your here, glad you made it." He turned to Amor "you must be Amor. Its a pleasure to met you please come in."

Amor walked in and looked at the environment and as she did mark pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead, and whispered I miss you. It was enough to make me weak in the knees.

I noticed Max(GassyMexican) was outside with chica and Lego. I turned her so her back was to the backyard where Max was.

"Amor, I need to tell you something." As I was telling her this mark went to get Max.

"Ummm okay? What is it..." She looked worried almost if she thought I was going to tell her I was pregnant and it was Satan's baby. 

"Calm down I'm not pregnant amor. I lied to you Matt isn't going to be here" I confessed to her

"Then who's outside?"

"Hello my name is Max." He commented.

Amor's eyes widened, and slowly turned around, mark was next to me watching her reaction.

When Amor laid eyes on him she FAINTED!  She fell back knocking me down with her, and I accidentally brought mark down with me.

Amor was laying on my legs and mark had fallen across my torso... talk about awkward. He started to get up and his face was right above mine. We both blushed, he helped get amor off my legs and helped me get off the floor.

Dammit Amor

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