Pool time

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Alyy's POV



"NONONONONONO! I NEED HELP FUCK ME!" I cried, I couldn't believe I died nor could Amor. I pouted my lips and put my head down

Just then Mark and Max came in

"What was with all the screaming?' Max questioned

"We both died...." Amor replied

"Ohhhh so that's why Alyy is pouting like a child." Mark teased

"Oi! I'm not a child, old man!" I shot up

"Ooooooh so scary alyy, whatcha gunna do shorty?" Mark teased again

"Hey, you are NOT that taller than me marklesparkles! " I lightly shoved him, and smiled.

Mark playfully gasped.

"Alyy that wasn't nice Missy." Mark a temped to scowled me.

"Pshhh who said I was mister" I playfully shoved him again

Mark gave me an evil smile then faster than I could blink he threw me over his shoulder

"MaRK! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed

"Nu-uh, you need to learn a lesson. "

He was walking toward the kitchen, it then hit me where exactly he was taking me.

"Ohhh no. Nononononono mark put me down... Don't you dare! "

Then I was tossed into the cold, cold, painfully cold pool water.


"Have you learned your lesson Alyy? "

I crossed my arms and wiped the water off my face.

"Y-y-yes... H-help me-e out pl-lease?"

"Good" he said and stuck his arm out to help me. I gripped his arm and have him an evil smirk, his face suddenly fell.

"Never trust the wicked." I whispered and pull him into the pool with me. I let go of his hand and began to swim away but he caught me before I could escape.

"Nooooo! Markkk let gooo! " I laughed

"Never! " He hugged me close.

He buried his face in my neck and laughed, I felt my heart race, and my face flush. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

Mark began to pull away, so I began to do the same, he stopped a few inches away from my face, and leaned in. It took me a moment to process what was happening. MarkiFUCKINGplier was kissing me.... I began to kiss him back, but being my short ass I began to sink, because I was distracted by mark.

He noticed I was sinking and proceed to place his hand on the bottom of my thighs and pull me upwards, and even made me wrap my legs around him.

We both pulled away from each other to breath.

"Uhm that was...." I began

"Amazing..? " Mark finished for me

I giggled

"Yes mark amazing!"

"Alyy? "

"Yes, markimoo?"

"Do you want to go out on a date?"

"Yes mark, I do."


He leaned in a kissed me again, I never wanted this day to end. Today was perfect.

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