why hello there

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Alyy's POV

(The next day)

I woke up the next morning to Amor playing god knows what kind of music.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on my Of Mice & Men shirt with some great shorts along with my converse. I brushed my hair out and went downstairs to find Amor.

I walked into the kitchen and screamed Amor was on the floor

"AMOR WHAT HAPPENED!" I screamed and knelt down next to her

"W...w...we....ran out of CHEESE!" Amor cried.

I gave her the death stare.

I got up and dusted my pants off and extended my hand

"Let's go child."


"To the store, we need to buy you cheese and other things."

"I don't want too"

"Fine I'll go by myself." I huffed and started towards the door

"BRING ME CHEESE!"  Amor scream after me

"NO!" I responded

*Time skip*

I got the store and grabbed a cart, might as well do some shopping right?

I walked around getting stuff I needed especially Amor's cheese.

I was getting ready to leave when I felt someone crash into my cart. I jumped and yelped loud.

I saw a dark skin man laying on the floor next to my cart.

I hurried to his side and helped him up.

"Oh my lord! Are you okay?" I asked him

His eyes opened

"Yeah am fine, my dweeb of a brother in law pushed me."

I turned and saw a extremely tall man on the floor laughing.

"Hey wait I know you guys! You're J-Fred and Bryan from Team Edge!"

J-Fred finally controls himself and walks over to us.

"Hi am J-Fred, but call me Joey."  he stuck his hand out for me to shake, I had to literally look up him.

I was only 5'2" he was 6'5". We shook hands for a tad too bit.

"Hi my name is Alyy, I'm a huge fan of Team Edge."

" oh really that's great!" Bryan says

"Who's your favorite member!" J-Fred asked

Bryan and I laughed

"Its actually you J-Fred" I blushed and laughed

" HA YES! I'm liked better than Matthias!"

I laughed even more

"What ever J-Fred."

'To the  owner of a black Toyota year 2015,your car is being towed.'

"Holy heck! That's my car!" Bryan yell and ran out

As he ran to save his car he left Joey and I alone. 

" I hope he knows he's not going to get his car back... I could give you guys a ride if you guys want." I offered as we walked to the line to pay.

" oh no we don't want to be a bother."

" its no bother, its the least I could do joey."

" alright" joey smiled at me.

bryan walked back to us and told joey to call matt to pick them up. before joey could respond I told them I could drop them off and I wasn't talking 'no' as an answer and began to walk to my car. thankfully they followed me.

                                                                           *TIME SKIP*

I finally got to matt's house with the boys, Bryan thanked me and wet to bug matt. j-Fred stayed in my car and talked to me for a while before he had to go. he gave me his number and told me to text him.

                                                                            *TIME SKIP*

I finally got home after dropping the boys at matts house

" there you are! I thought you got kidnapped or something." Amor said the she noticed the shopping bags "OOOOOH DID YOU BRING ME CHEESE?!"

I couldn't help but laugh,

"yes Amor I brought you cheese, this whole bag is filled with cheese for you."

Amor then took the bag from me and ran around the whole house like a child who just got a puppy for Christmas.

"So guess who I met today?" I casual said to her

"JARED LETO!" Amor yelled

"no Amor, I didn't met Jared Leto."  I laughed

" Aw... then who?"

" I met J-fred and Bryan from Team Edge."

"Really, cool. how'd that happen?"

" Well as I was getting your chesses, jfred pushed bryan and he fell on the cart. I helped them up and then his car got towed and I took them home."

"oh wow that's something lol." amor turned away and started to put her cheese

"yeah jfred even gave me his number." I casual said as I picked at a lose string on my shirt.

Amor dropped one of her cheeses.

" he gave you his what!" She screamed

"hi-his number..." I answered

"ALICIA! you need to be careful, we don't know if mark get jealous easily. you need to be careful."

I bit my lip in thought, I knew she was right.... I hope he doesn't get jealous.

" I know Amor I will be careful." I went to hug her.

I hope she's not right and mark won't get jealous.

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