First kiss?

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Its been about 20 minutes since Amor fainted and Max couldn't be more confused about why she fainted.

"Sooooooooo why did she faint when she saw me..."

"Well she is a huge fan of yours Max and being the best friend I am, I didn't tell her you were going to be here I told her Mattias was."

"Ah makes sense."

I looked at Max he seems to be in deep thought while he placed a cold rag on Amor's forehead... I ship them.

"I found the ammonia!" Mark ran back into the room

He handed it to me and I put it under her nose.

"Mmmm a-alyy I just had the weirdest dream..."

"Amor it wasn't a dream, please don't faint"

She shot up bumping her head on mine.

"Owwww" we both said

"Now I know why you said I would kill you after we left Marks house."

Max walked over and kneeled down by Amor as I got up and walked out of the room with Mark. He led me to the kitchen and handed me an ice pack.

"Thanks Mark, I appreciate this."

"No worried. You would do the same if it was me." He said as he got extremely close to me.

I can feel my heart race, my breathing speed up, I could feel heat rush to my face. My eyes wondered up and I stared into those big brown beautiful orbs he had for eyes. They flicked from my eyes to my lips and back up. I looked at his lips they look so great up close.

I suddenly felt Mark's strong arms wrap around my waist, he started to lean in....

'Holy fuck he's going to kiss me.' I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to collide with mine. His lips were inches from mines when...

"ALYY! MARK!" both Amor and Max yelled.

Mark laughed and placed his forehead on mine.

"Dam it Max..." "Dam it Amor...." We cursed them at the same time and laughed.

They sure knew when to kill a moment...

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