Nishinoya - Interesting

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~you have a clock that counts down to the time when you meet your soulmate, but if it breaks, you are free to love who you want~

Class is so boring. (L/f/s) was definitely not your strong suit, mostly because you didn't find any interest in it.

You tend to not associate yourself with things that bore you. All of your friends were highly eccentric, surprising you everyday with their new antics. You played volleyball as a spiker because there was always something new to learn about battling in the air. You only watched tv shows that had an interesting hook, otherwise you would ditch it after the first episode. You could say there was never a day where the same thing happened twice.

You looked at your watch, which had your soulmate's countdown on it. 8 years, 2 months, 11 days, 17 minutes and 9 seconds until I meet my soulmate. Dang, that's a long time.

You sighed as you looked over to see one of your best friends with their soulmate. Their clock had run out just 3 months ago, but they acted as if they could've been married for their whole life. You decided just to draw a sketch of your favorite character from (f/s) to take your mind off the subject.


You started to warm up for volleyball practice. As you were stretching, the doors to the gym slammed open, and a loud voice echoed across the gym.

"SORRY I'M LATE, I'LL GET WARMED UP." You were surprised. It was a male voice, but it sounded like he was... joining you? You looked up to get a glimpse at him.

He had spiky hair that stuck up behind him with small bleached bangs, some of which hung on his forehead. His eyes were slanted with a sense of mischief and determination, but as soon as he saw you, for some reason they lifted to reveal eyes that reflected all the joy in the world.

You looked away, but he wasn't backing down. He ran over and started stretching beside you.

"Hi, I'm Nishinoya Yuu. I'll be practicing with the girls for a while because I've been suspended from my usual club activities for a while. I play libero, and-"

You cut him off. "Oh, so your a delinquent? We don't appreciate trouble-makers in our program." You teased.

"Hey! I'm not a trouble-maker! I just happened to bump into an expensive vase, that's all."

"Whatever you say. How good of a libero are you?"

He smirked. "Well, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'd say I'm a force to be reckoned with."

"Show me, Noya-san"

"That's senpai to you."

You played a scrimmage with the team, you and some others were on one side, Noya with the rest of the team on the other. You used every chance you got to spike at difficult places for Noya, but he managed to dig most of them.

He proved to be a very interesting person indeed. From his hair to his ever-changing mood to the way he would yell "ROLLING THUNDER!" anytime he did a rolling receive to the way he looked at you differently from the others. There was something about him that made you want to be around him all the time, to get to know him even if that meant he wouldn't surprise you day to day. You wanted to be with him. Wait, am I falling for him?

After practice, while you were getting your things together, he came up to you. "Hey, I never got your name." He smiled.

You grinned back, enjoying the fact that he seemed to have an interest in you too. "(L/N) (Y/N)."

"Nice name, do you have a number to go with it?"

You turned to hide your blush. "Aren't you supposed to use that line on your soulmate?" You asked.

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