Oikawa - Planets

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~you are assigned one half of a necklace at birth, your soulmate has the matching half~

(Note: the image later on is how your necklace looks, drawn by yours truly hence the terrible quality oops)

Today was your first day in your new high school, Aoba Johsai. You had previously gone to Johzenji, but you wanted to progress your skill in volleyball, and although the team at Johzenji was a lot of fun, you felt that you weren't reaching your maximum potential. So, you and your parents signed the papers, set some rules, figured out transportation, and now you are an official second year student at Aoba Johsai.

The first thing you did when you got in the school was go to the volleyball team to hand them your permission slip and try out. Although, the new school grounds confused you a lot, and you ended up in a gym, but not the right gym.

You looked around and saw a variety of guys practicing with volleyballs. Right sport, wrong gender. You saw no problem in stepping in and asking the coach where you were supposed to go.

As you walked in, you felt eyes staring daggers into your back. You looked up and saw a lot of different girls in the stands just staring at you. Why did they seem so angry?

They seemed to be caught up with you and something else. You followed their glances and noticed a tall (I mean really tall) boy with brown hair and brown eyes staring at you, his eyes seemed to bora through you, full of thought.

You shivered at his gaze. Why does it feel like he's staring right through me?!

"Oi, Trashikawa, stop staring at the poor girl and pay attention to practice!" A guy with spiky hair yelled at him, noticing your odd behavior. You turned around fully to wave at them, but something obviously caught his eyes as they lit up with excitement.

"HEY! What's your name?" He yelled, running over to you, dropping the volleyball that was in his hand.

You cleared your throat, getting rid of that odd sensation caused by "Trashikawa" earlier and regaining your confidence. "My name's (L/N) (Y/N), and I was looking for the girl's volleyball gym, do you know where it is?"

He reached you, evading a volleyball thrown by the hedgehog guy, and grabbed your hands, causing you to blush a little. "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)-chan." Honorifics already? "My name's Oikawa Tooru," he stated, matching your confidence level, "And I think we're soulmates!"

Your eyes widened at his statement, but you looked on his neck to see no necklace. He noticed and said "Oh, I had to take mine off for practice, hold on let me get it!"

He ran to the locker room and about a minute later he came back with something attached to a chain in his hand. "See? It's a planet with a ring, and on the top part it has turquoise and on the bottom it has (F/C), just like yours! And look," he lifted your necklace up and held his next to it, "They match perfectly!"

 "See? It's a planet with a ring, and on the top part it has turquoise and on the bottom it has (F/C), just like yours! And look," he lifted your necklace up and held his next to it, "They match perfectly!"

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You blushed at the fact that this guy, who you admit was very handsome and also kinda wild, was the person you were destined to spend the rest of your life with. You smiled widely. "WOAH, we're really soulmates! I've been looking for you, like, forever! So, does this mean you like space too?"

"Of course! Aliens are the bomb dot com, and YES, they are real." He answered, a sparkle in his eyes.

"No duh, there's no way that we're the only intelligent life source in the entire universe." You spread your arms out in an attempt to get your point across, but you saw something out of the corner of you eye.

You looked up and saw a lot of the girls from earlier crying on each other, but most of them were giving you an evil death glare.

Oikawa turned your head back to him. "Hey, don't worry about them, (Y/N)-chan. All that matters is that I get to spend my life with such a pretty girl!" He put his arm around you and leaned close to your ear. "Your pretty lucky too, you know, ending up with the strong and handsome team captain of your favorite sport? You should thank the gods for such a wonderful gif- OW!"

"GET BACK TO PRACTICE YOU LAZY PIECE OF TRASH." The hedgehog shouted at Oikawa, preparing to throw another ball at him.

"Okay, okay! Hold on." Oikawa whined then turned back to you. "We'll meet up again later, okay? I'll see if I can find you at the girl's gym after school. See you later!" He grinned and set off back to the court.

"Okay!" You jumped in the air and walked out of the gym. You walked a while, happy with the previous event before you realized...

I never found out where the girl's gym is! Wait, where am I!!

oh my gosh that drawing what am I doing with my life. i just wanted you to have a visual so I didn't have to explain so much oops such a lazy author.

spring break has been great except for the fact that we still had track practice and I HAVEN'T SEEN MY BEST FRIEND THE WHOLE TIME (not even ft!)

haikyuu season three is a thing! how am i supposed to wait until fall for this? i want it nowwwww.

special thanks to FanficTurnsUsAllOn for mentioning me in her yandere!haikyuu book, which is absolutely amazing, you guys should really check it out!

holy how did I get 500 reads? thank you guys for all the support, even if it's just scanning through the chapter it means a lot that you're spending some of your time here on earth on me!

i hope you enjoyed it! remember to vote if you liked the story!

Instagram: hyperhiinata
Tumblr: dilisnotonphire

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