Kageyama - Blue

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~one of your eyes is your eye color and the other is your soulmate's eye color, but once you first make eye contact, you will regain your original eye colors~

You looked at yourself in the mirror some more, just staring back at your eyes. One was a cool (E/C), but the other was such an amazing shade of blue, you swear you could just stare at it all day and never get bored.

However, you were going to be late to meet up with your friend, (F/N), if you didn't get ready soon. You sighed, taking one last longing glance at your favorite eye before walking out of the bathroom and turning towards your closet to get dressed.


You and (F/N), being the nerds you are, had decided to meet up at the bookstore. You were looking through the manga section, flipping through pages of Tokyo Ghoul when your friend taped you on the shoulder. "Uh, (Y/N)? I'm going to the bathroom really quick." You nodded and they rushed off.

You were humming to yourself as you reached for another book. However, it was being tugged by something else on the other side. You let go out of it out of surprise and looked through to see who had stolen your precious manga when your gaze was met with another. You instantly realized...

...they have the same eyes as I do. The both of you inhaled deeply, taking in the moment and waiting for your eyes to change color. Please be blue, please be blue you prayed, hoping your eyes were the color of those amazing ones you were just staring at this morning. But the more you stared at his eyes, the more the (E/C) faded from his left eye, being replaced with the color of a great ocean.

You sighed, disappointed that you seemed to get the shorter end of the stick. He noticed and looked at you weirdly. "Oi, are you disappointed that it's me? You don't even know what the rest of my face looks like!" He exclaimed, making you jolt back.

"N-no! That's not it at all!" You whisper-yelled at him. You walked around to get to the aisle he was on. You stood, looking at his facial features before giving him an unexpected hug. He was stiff at first, but slowly put his arms around you.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to find you."

"Yeah, well you didn't seem like it over there." He said calmly, letting you go. He sure was a feisty one.

"No, I was sad because you got the eye color I wanted, and I'm highly jealous of it." You crossed your arms for a second. "But now that you have them, I can stare at them all I want! I don't even need a mirror!" You smiled brightly at your discovery.

"Really? Because I like yours more, they're really c-cool." He stated, looking away and scratching the back of his head. A tsundere too? He's going to be a handful to get used to.

"Thanks! By the way, my name's (L/N) (Y/N), I'm a first year at Nekoma, and you?"

"Tobio Kageyama, first year at Karasuno." He stood stiff, not knowing what to say next.

You gave him a warm smile "C'mon, we have a lot of stuff to catch up on." You said, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards a seating area.

You talked for what seemed like hours with Tobio. (F/N) stopped by, but backed away when she looked at your eyes, understanding the situation. After an hour or so, (F/N) finally got bored and said it was time to go.

You started to say goodbye to Kageyama. You have him a quick peck on the cheeks, making his face heat up as you walked away. "Bye Tobio-chan!"

"You better have a whole speech prepared, because I wanna hear every little detail about this 'Tobio-chan.' " (F/N) said as you got in her car.

You told her everything, from his undying passion for volleyball to his tsundere personality, but all you could think about was the next time you would get to see those blue eyes again.

this is slightly ironic for me because I also have blue eyes but they're more like turquoise while kags has royal blue. honestly though I have a thing for people with blue eyes so this would definitely be me 😂.

i hope you enjoyed it! remember to vote if you liked the story!

Instagram: hyperhiinata
Tumblr: dilisnotonphire

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