Yamaguchi - Spirits

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request by mariluv013

~ everyone has a spirit animal that leads them to their soulmate, but it only appears when you are a certain distance from your soulmate ~
(F/A = Favorite Animal)

Today was the day you were finally going to go to the waterpark. You had planned this trip with some friends a while back, and the weekend had finally come!

When you got there, you couldn't decide what to do first. The intense wave pool, the giant water slide, the torpedo, there was so many exciting options to choose from! But what did your friends decide to go to first?

The lazy river. Greaaaat.

You hopped in a float and stayed with your friends, hoping that if you did them the favor of relaxing for a little while they would go do things that were actually fun with you later on.

You were staring off into space, thinking about what how you would protect yourself in this situation if an apocalypse happened when you hear your friends squeal. Holy crap is it actually happening?

No, the apocalypse was not taking place. Instead a white, smoky (F/A) was floating beside you. It looked up at you for a second, then darted down the lazy river.

"What the heck!"

"What was that thing!"

"Why did it look at (Y/N) like that?!!"

All your friends collectively panicked together, but you focused your eyes on the animal and raced after it, dodging people along the way.

"Hey, (Y/N), where are you going?!"

"Come back!"

They tried to go after you, but (B/F/F/N) put their arm in front of them.

"Don't go after her. That's her spirit animal. When your soulmate gets close enough to where you are, it appears and leads you to your soulmate."

"Awww, that's cute!"

"I hope she comes back once she's found him to tell us all about him!"

"Or her."

"I hope he's hot."

"Or her."


You followed the (F/A) across the waterpark until it found a set of stairs; the exact stairs that led to the water slide you've been wanting to go on since you planned the trip. Booyah!

You happily raced up the stairs, closely following your spirit animal, knowing you had to probably go down the slide to find your soulmate. They would be up there, maybe unaware of their animal's presence or stuck in a line, unable to move to get out of it until they went through the tube.

Fortunately, there was no line, which ruled out one of your options and brought you closer to your soulmate faster. This was too easy!

As you got to the top, there was three people: the lifeguard, a person in the slide, and one guy standing behind him. Your spirit animal ran towards the tall blonde head as a white, misty rabbit came to your feet. He's the one, I guess! You were about to introduce yourself when your spirit animal... went through him?

"HNG" The blonde guy freaked out as the animal passed through him and hopped right behind the guy who just went down he slide.

"WHAT DID YOUR GHOST PET JUST DO?" The blonde hair guy yelled at you, blaming you for the (F/N)'s actions.

"Can I go in front of you? That was my spirit animal, and, as you may have seen, the guy that just went was my soulmate."

"You're Yamaguchi's soulmate?" You shook your head. "Well, in that case, I'll be going first. See ya!" And with that he pushed himself down the slide.

"Jerk!" You called out to him. Now you had to wait for an entire 60 seconds before you could see your soulmate, probably the longest minute of your life.

You were sitting in the slide with the rabbit in your lap when, finally, the life guard motioned for you to go down the slide. You swear you've literally never pushed yourself so hard. You even did the thing where you paddle against the slide with your hands to scoot faster. You splashed down at the bottom, enveloped in water before being able to emerge to see...

your soulmate.

He was a little taller than you were, with greenish brown hair, a piece of it sticking up from his head. His eyes were light brown and he had freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks.

He looked at you and you came over to him. "Uh, hi, I'm (L/N) (Y/N)."

"I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, and this is my friend Tsukishima Kei."

"So, I guess we're soulmates?"

"You guys are off to quite an awkward start."

"Tsukki, can you give us some time?"

Tsukishima sighed. "I'll meet you at he front by 4:30, don't be late." And with that he walked off.

You and Yamaguchi spent the rest of the day at the waterpark, hitting up all the tallest and scariest water slides they had. As time went by, you guys opened up to each other more and more, breaking the tension.

You walked with Yamaguchi to the gate at 4:20 (bLaZe iT) to meet Tsukishima. You said your goodbyes, but before they left, Yamaguchi gave you an unexpected hug. You returned it, and he whispered something in your ear.

"Thank you for being a part of the best day of my life."

haha remember when I said this would be done like last week? yeah... I'm a slow procrastinator. i will get them done sooner or later though, promise.

i hope you enjoyed it! remember to vote if you liked the story!

Instagram: hyperhiinata
Tumblr: dilisnotonphire

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