Kuroo - Hair

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~if your soulmate dyes their hair, your hair color changes to match theirs~

As soon as you heard the door open, you knew you were in trouble.

You put on a sly grin and waited to hear him yell ou-


(whoop) There it is.

You peeked around the corner of the bedroom door so you could see your boyfriend/soulmate, Kuroo, properly. He looked pissed, but you could care less. Seeing Kuroo with blonde hair was totally worth getting yelled at.

"WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DYING MY HAIR WHILE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF PRACTICE?!" He yelled at you, fists clenched by his side.

Woah, he's never gotten this angry before. Keep calm, it's okay. "Aw, but it suits you well." You commented, trying to calm him down.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT THE TEAM THINKS." You couldn't help but let out a stifled giggle. "Oh, you think you're HILARIOUS, don't you. Why I oughta-" He swiftly walked up and stood right in front of you, leaning over a bit so it seemed like he was towering over you. Now you were scared.

When he touched you, you expected it to be unpleasant, so you yelped, only to realize he was hugging you. "(N/N), I would never hurt you. Even if you cut off all my hair, I'd still love you." He kissed your forehead then let go and walked towards the door again.

"Wait, where are you going?" You asked, still mildly confused by his sudden change in behavior.

"What, you think I wanna stay a blondie? Kenma and Tsukishima may be able to pull it off, but not this one." He pointed at himself.

"Yeah, I kinda figured you'd say that." You said as you pulled out black hair dye from behind your back.

"You know me so well, my small soulmate." He said as he walked by you, taking the hair dye with one hand and patting your head with the other.

"Hey, get back, you don't know how to use that! Your gonna mess it up for both of us! KUROO!"

that was so short i still hope it was good. i haven't updated in so long i'm surprised the book has gotten over 400 reads! you guys are great, and thanks for staying with me even if i didn't update for over a month... oops.

it's currently 4am over here. of course this is how i spend the first day of spring break. i'm gonna text my friend blaze it at 4:20 i wonder how that will go.

i hope you enjoyed it! remember to vote if you liked the story!

Instagram: hyperhiinata
Tumblr: dilisnotonphire

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