I Like It

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I jumped to find him standing near me, only a couple of centimetres away. It was only then that I really got to see him up close; tall, a bit below six foot, dark brown hair, aqua blue eyes which reminded me of the sea, slightly pale skin that made his red cheeks stand out. He wore a simple white t-shirt, denim jeans and black trainers. It was what the majority of boys in the room were wearing, but there was something about him that made him stand out. And not just his looks.

"Um, hi," I stammered, praying that what I was feeling on the inside would not show. No matter how many times I would try to control myself, I always acted uncontrollably around boys that I liked. It soon became a trend. Even if they only said one word, my voice and body would start shaking and my palms would soon turn clammy. I would say the most stupid things to them, and make them think I was some crazy lady or something. It didn't help that every single one of them didn't like me back either...

But I was determined that this time I would have full control in myself. Well, hopefully.

"Friend of ____?" he asked, his eyes beckoning over to my best friend in the corner of the room, surrounded by a ton of people. She loved socialising, especially when she was the centre of attention of it all. Unlike myself.

"Yeah," I replied, "She dragged me here because she wanted me to 'meet new people'," I rolled my eyes as I remembered her saying the day before, "As if I didn't have friends anyway,"

"Well, now you have met someone new," he smirked, causing my heart to flip in my chest.

As he introduced himself, it dawned on me that we were in a room full of lots of people, probably all really friendly and outgoing. But somehow, out of all of them, he was talking to me. Me. The most awkward and timid person that ever existed. Most people would give up after ten seconds, but he was still there.

We talked for almost half an hour, until another girl walked over and announced, "We're leaving now. You coming?"

My heart sank, but instead he quickly replied, "Hey, I'll be a few more minutes. I'm not leaving yet,"

She rolled her eyes, but eventually gave in, telling him he had five more minutes, but no more. As she left to re join her friends, he laughed and said, "Older sisters eh? They can be so bossy sometimes,"

"Yeah," I agreed. I didn't have an older sister, let alone a sister. But I was just lost in his smile. The way it was crooked and how it exposed his dimples. It was if I was the most amazing thing that he'd ever seen. And I liked it.

He carried on talking about his life. When he ran his hands through his hair, I forgotten what he was saying altogether. I never knew that someone doing it could ever look that good. But when he did it, it just hooked me completely, I'll admit.

I hoped that he didn't see what he did to me when he randomly said my name by surprise. I never got any warning. He'd say it here and there and I would jump out of my skin, but also felt excited inside. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, about to leap out at any second. You could say he was taking over me, and I wanted to surrender.

Just breathe in the night-time air, I kept telling myself, in hoping that I would calm down. But I was in awe of everything he did. One thing would happen after the other, meaning no time to even think of calming down. Who knew what I was saying, but I didn't seem to care at all. He was making me feel this feelings that I hadn't felt in a very long time. But I liked it.

"____, we really need to go! I've given you enough time already!" his sister boomed, interrupting my never-ending thoughts. She seemed really annoyed now. It could be read all over her expression.

It meant he had to go, but I knew what that meant.

"I'll talk to you soon, ok?" he said cheerfully, reaching out and putting his arms around me. For those couple of seconds he held me, I don't think any air passed through my lungs. I could feel the world stopping right in front of me, taking in his scent. All I could think of was, he's holding me! He's holding me! Oh my God!

"Bye," I called, as he and his sister turned away to walk out of the door. As if on cue, my friend ran up to me and spoke mischievously, "So you did meet someone new,"

Recovering from what just had happened, I turned around to her gleefully. I couldn't hide it at all, "I guess," I shrugged, a laugh bubbling up in my throat.

She sighed, but laughed all the same, "Hey, recover yourself and come over to us. You really are in a good mood!"

As she walked away, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, telling me someone was calling me. After fumbling for a couple of seconds, I got it, finding out that he was calling me. Somehow, just seeing his name on my phone looked so good. Nerves were building up a little bit in my stomach, but I answered him. Some of them were excited nerves.

"Hello?" I chirped, quickly moving myself to a different room so I could hear him.

"____, hello!" he exclaimed excitedly. Even only hearing him on the phone, you could tell he was feeling really energetic.

They way he says hello, I thought, he really has me hooked.

"It's only been a couple of minutes," I chuckled, "You could've called me later,"

"Oh are you busy?" he asked.

Was I busy! "Oh no," I replied quickly, "It's just you called really quickly I guess,"

"I couldn't wait any longer," he chirped cheerfully, sensing him smile from the other end.

Blushing uncontrollably, I giggled nervously, relieved that he couldn't see the state I was in. Or him being there. Just seeing him there wearing those t-shirt and jeans just made my heart beat faster. And lose control.

The conversation went on for ages, until I realised I had to miscall my mum for a lift home. "Look, I have to go now, but text me later," I hated hanging up on him, but my mum would kill me if I didn't call her.

"Sure I will," he replied ,"Bye!"

"Bye!" and as I hung up, I started jumping up and down in excitement, unaware that there were a bunch of people who could've probably heard me. But I didn't care. I was on cloud nine.

"I really can't compete with my heart beat, can I?" I muttered to myself, still feeling it thump loudly in my chest. I didn't think I had acted such like a mess for a very long time. I was wide-eyed, my hair looked so messy and let's not get started of what I was saying. But I just couldn't take in that feeling.

But I like it.

That's I Like It! A change to what I was usually writing. Can't believe the girls are FINALLY releasing an album!!! I'm so excited omg. Move on coming soon!

Evie x

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