A New Guy?

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I stare blankly for a while as Anti is still crying over the locket. Fiancée? He has a fiancée? "Fiancée?!" I finally repeat out loud, he nods, looking up at me with a sad smile as he wipes tears from his sleeve, his already wet sleeve getting soggier.

 "So..." I start, still staring blankly at what I had once thought was the most evil being in existence, "you proposed?" He nods again. "She has a ring?" I check. "Yes," Anti smiles, "I think that's how proposing works." I collapse back, landing with a thud on my arse as logic seems to evacuate the building. "You have a fiancée." 

Anti-Septic-Eye, Jack's evil counterpart, has a fiancée. "I did." I straighten up, looking at Anti in confusion."You did? What do you mean you 'did'? Did something happen?" I realize that I am asking too many questions and quickly shut up to allow him some time to answer them. 

"She died..." He mutters, new tears of sorrow splash onto the cemented flooring under him as he once again avoids looking at me. My chest tightens at the depressing news."Oh...how? If you don't mind me asking..." "I don't mind," He looks down at the small picture, sorrow and grief visible in his movements. 

"She died in a fire... This picture was taken the day it happened. That night, we both woke up to the house in flames. I grabbed Rin and ran out of the house, thinking she was right behind me..." He pauses in his tale, taking a deep shuddering breath, "I looked back... and she wasn't there." 

I feel tears starting to form in my eyes, which I try to hold back. "Oh... I'm so sorry..." He shrugs, never removing his gaze from the picture. "It wasn't your fault..." A few minutes of silence pass by before I enquire to my next question."What was her name?" He looks up from the locket. "Ashlynn." Wow... that's a pretty cool name... I admit to myself, "When we first met, we ran into each other at a park, quite literally."

 Anti smiles reminiscently, "We both fell, and after helping her up and making sure she was okay, we sat down on a park bench and talked for what seemed like hours. Then she had to leave... She told me that we should meet up again, sometime soon, and we did. A few years later, I proposed, she said yes, but we never got the chance to actually get married," 

I felt extremely remorseful for this guy. "I proposed two weeks before she gave birth to Rin." I adjusted myself so I was sitting crossed-legged."Wait, wait, wait... so you guys had sex BEFORE you even got married?" Anti nodded, slightly embarrassed. "She was the one who wanted a child. The only reason I didn't was because I was afraid." 

"Afraid of responsibility?" Anti rolled his eyes. "No, because of R-" The sound of a gunshot interrupted his sentence. Anti jumped and turned white."What's wrong?" I ask, watching the room around us slowly fade. "...I'm in trouble..." He disappears, leaving me curious once again, then I disappear. 

* * *

I open my eyes to see Rin standing over me, staring at me with a creepy smile. I yelp and push her back, almost hitting her in the face."Ha! Gotcha!" She smirks, skipping around the room, chanting 'I got you'. "Alright! Alright! You got me! Shut up!"

 I shout, getting up and glaring at her. "You almost gave me a heart-attack!" She stops chanting, but continues to skip around the room happily. "Well I didn't!" I sigh and go around the room, grabbing my things, pushing her out of the way. After we were both dressed, we grab our bags and head out to the kitchen to say goodbye to mom and dad. Rin turned to me and asked. 

What I've Become (JackSepticEye Fanfic) {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now