All Hell's Broke Loose(N/E)

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Our hearts drop at the news, making the situation a bit more scary.

Ashlynn grabs a dagger off the wall and turns back to us, crying as she does.

"We have to fight.. We have no choice.."

Anti punches through the door, his hand bleeding from the splinters, another swipe barely missing Mark.

Rin screams and curls into a ball behind me, her snakes ready to attack at a moments notice.

Mark tries his best to keep Anti out, but he bursts through the door, but what we thought was Anti..


It seemed to be a copy of Anti, the only differences being that there were shadows dancing around his body and his eyes were pure black.

The Anti clone seems to have dark and light green stains around it's mouth, giving us all bad thoughts.

"It killed and tried to eat Sam!"

Mark says what we were all thinking, leaping out of the way as the clone charges at him.

The clone gives out a loud, blood curdling screech, it's body shifting and contorting and seemingly melting into into a small, winged creature with blood red skin so thin that you could see it's ribs, it's eyes still pure black and now much larger and distorted.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

Jack screams as he shoots rounds of fire at it, it leaping from wall to wall and crawling like a spider to dodge as it continues to screech.

"I don't know, just kill it!"

Jack continues to throw fire at the beast until it has come back down onto the floor, Mark grabbing it and slaming its head on the metal ground.

It's body goes limp as a pool of black blood begins to grow around it's head, it's eyes changing to a sickly white color before it decintigrates into a pile of ashes.

We all stare at the pile of ashes in shock and confusion, Rin still hidden behind me.

"...What the fuck..."

The lights go out again as Rin speaks, Jack and I lighting up our little group with our flames as we all glance around in a frightened manner.

The sound of fire crackling comes from the other room, and there is light mumbling before we see Anti and Dark emerge from the red flames. We do not deactivate our powers however, all of us cautious.

"Dad? Dark?"

Rin begins to take small steps forward, her sanked still on high alert beside her as the three near each other.

Anti waves his hand at us.

"Hey, it's us! Not one of those clone things!"

We relax a bit, all of us coming together to form our group, waiting axiously to hear the news about down below from the two demons.

"It's chaos down there.. The clones have overrun part of Hell, and the Superiors are trying their best to stop them."

Anti states, looking over at Dark.

"Yeah, and they're looking for a new Pure Superior.. Something that they haven't done in nearly ten decades.."

We all grow tense at the news, exchanging worried and nervous looks.

"What do we do now..?"

Rin's small, scared voice speaks out in question, holding her snakes to try and comfort her.

Anti shrugs, bringing her into a hug, her immediately hugging back and welling up with tears.

"We hide.. We have no other choice.."

Anti suddenly is engulfed in red flames, looking at us one last time and unable to speak again before vanishing with the flames.

"Oh my god!!"

Ashlynn screams, beginning to cry along with her daughter, who is holding her mother tight as they sob.

"Where the fuck did he go?!"

Dark begins to tear up as well, staring where Anti was and beginning to shake.

We begin searching the base for our demon friend, but he is no where to be seen, striking even more fear into our hearts.

"What if he's dead..?! Wht if the Dark One killed him?!..."

Rin begins to speak of the worst possible scenarios, her mother trying to calm her, but by the look in her eyes, she can only think the worst as well.

We all search one last time before we decide to sleep, it being nearly three in the morning already and all of us being really tired.

We're all keeping our hopes up that Anti will come back tomorrow or sometime later today.

I really hope he's alright..

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