I Promise

197 11 14

Walking through the hall behind Rin, I blink in shock as she slams the bedroom door shut in my face. I take a step back, rubbing my nose absently as I glare at the door. "Rin!" I shout, pushing the door open again and storming in, "Did you really have to do that?" Instead of answering, Rin throws her bag on the floor, standing still for a few seconds before turning to face me.

"I'm still mad at you," She grumbles, stepping forward and shoving me to the side, continuing to stomp down the stairs. "Yeah, I've noticed." I yell back lamely, dumping my back next to hers, listening to see where she goes. The door slams shut. Oh god, I think, immediately running out of the room, where is she going now?

In my speed to find her, I trip down the last couple stairs but regain my balance and continue towards the back door, passing the window just in time to see her climbing over the neighboring fence, towards the shed.

 Running out the back door, I stop at the fence, looking up, trying to catch sight of her. Hearing the shuffling of the bags at the back, I call out. "Rin! Rin I'm sorry!" I spot her figure crouching on the roof, faced towards me. "Why are you following me?"

I can just make out her arms folding against her chest. "I promised Anti that I would protect you!" I reply, lifting a hand to try and block the sun, trying in vain to make out her expression. "Stop! Just stop!" She shouts back, "You're not helping me! You're hurting me!" She exclaims, she turns from me, facing the garden behind her, 

"Every time I hear that name, I don't see the loving and caring person that you see, no, I see reality!" She pauses, and I can hear her taking a shuddering breath before she continues, "A demon with a knife, and the urge to KILL!" She walks back so I can't make her out at all any more. "Ryan probably isn't even real!" She continues, her angry tones carrying easily over the roof, "You probably just did that to yourself!" She shouts.

 "You think I would stab myself and carve a random guy's name into my stomach?" I shout back, losing my temper, there is a few minutes of silence before she answers. "Even if that Ryan guy is real," Her voice is quieter now, causing me to take a step forward in an attempt to hear her, "he's the only good guy!" 

The need to go up to the roof and start shouting in her face is so strong, I take a step forward, but, clenching my fists, I take a deep breath and instead channel my anger into my voice. "Rin, if you believe that Ryan is the good guy, you'll be the first one dead!" There is a distinct thud, then her voice comes back, angry and hurt. 

"I'll go fine him if I have to!" My blood runs cold at the thought of what Ryan would do to her if he gets his hands on her. "I will lock you inside the garage to keep you safe, if I have to! Ryan is the bad guy! Anti isn't!" There is another, louder thud, then the sound of the fence being stood on. Rin appears, climbing back over the fence.

 As she comes back to our side, she runs at me, grabbing my arm and shoving me against the garage wall. "If you say my fathers' name one more fucking time, I will make SURE that you get a bigger stab wound than the one you have now!"

 I immediately try and wriggle out of her grasp, my chest tightening and breathing coming in sharp gasps as memories of Anti and Ryan holding me down fill my mind. Through the darkness, I hear Rin's voice again, pulling me back to reality. "I'm going to find Ryan, and there's nothing you can say or do to stop me!" She suddenly throws me to the ground, knocking what little air I had left out of me. I look up, gasping for air as she storms off towards the house, mumbling incoherently. I stand up, brushing myself off and taking in deep, slow breathes. I'm not letting her get hurt... no matter what...

* * *

I look around at my surroundings, seeing that I am in a white room, similar to the one that I saw Ryan in before. Deciding to stand to get a better view of my surroundings, I find that my feet are tied together with a thick rope. I also take in that my hands are tied in a similar fashion in front of me. "Welcome back, sweetheart!" 

What I've Become (JackSepticEye Fanfic) {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now