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Shoving the door out of my way, I make a beeline for my bed, dumping my school bag on the floor just before I hit the mattress. "I hate school!" I fold my arms over my chest in a show of my discontent. "Me too!" Rin informs me as she walks into the bedroom behind me, kicking the door shut as she passes through. 

Her bag joins mine abandoned on the floor, "I still have that red mark!" She informs me, pulling her top up to show the bright red circular mark on her abdomen. "Ouch..." I wince, sitting back up and unfolding my arms to get a closer look, "I remember that," I realise, "you were hit with a dodgeball, right?" 

She nods her confirmation and drops her shirt back down. "I was about to call in Dragon to murder his ass," She adds, scowling, I nod in agreement and lie back down in bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. "Well," I tell her, eyeing a black spot on the roof, "if you were expecting him to be nice, then you were wrong. Being nice isn't in Mason's nature." 

I listen as Rin treads over the carpet towards where the bags have been dumped. Sitting up out of curiosity, I see her taking her English book and notepad out. "What are you doing?" I ask her, she looks up to me blankly. "Studying." 

She informs me blankly, looking away with a frown and rummaging around, eventually coming back up with a pencil, "I can't fail this test." 

She sits back against my bed and opens the book, scrawling 'English Test' across the top of the first blank page. "You should study." She tells me, opening the English book and placing it on the floor next to her. "Nah," 

I decide, stretching my arms and moaning as the muscle strain, "I'm already an 'A' in English." Rin glances up at me smirking. "Even though you sleep in that class all the time?" I roll my eyes in reply. "No," I decide to clarify, "I sleep in Science class all the time." Rin laughs, shaking her head as she starts taking down notes, her writing barely eligible. 

"Sure," She mocks, drawing out the word. I am distracted from my reply from a buzzing in my pocket. Frowning in annoyance at the interruption, I take the phone out of my pocket, brightening when I see Marks face on the screen.

 "Hello?" I ask, grinning. "Trin!" Marks voice is high pitched and worried, not the happy tone I was expecting, my grin flees from my face, "W-we have a problem!" "Wha-" Mark cuts me off, sounding more and more frantic. "I-I don't know how to explain it! J-Just get to Jack's base! HURRY!" The call ended, leaving me worriedly biting my lip. 

"Rin! We have to go! Studying can wait!" I jump off my bed, knocking Rin aside as I do, shoving my phone back into my pocket as I begin racing to the door. "What! Why?" She whines from the floor, pouting up at me. "One of our friends are in trouble!" 

I shout back, already out of my room, I hear the clatter of her work being chucked to the side and she appears next to me as we begin to descend the stairs. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" We tear down the stairs, skidding to a stop as we spot my parents in the sitting room."Mom! Dad!" They both jump a little, looking up from their phones. 

"We need to go see Mark. He's at Jack's base." "Why?" My mom asks, setting her phone aside and beginning to get up. "I got a call saying that we were needed there ASAP. Someone could be hurt, or-" I cut myself off before I mention He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Rin and I are out the front door without waiting for a response, running non-stop the entire way to the base. 

* * *

 After punching in the password, I throw open the steel door to see Mark in the middle of the base, kneeling over a crumpled form that could only be Jack. A crumpled form which is currently spewing dark red gunky sick onto the floor in front of him. 

"Oh my God what the fuck happened?!" I scream, sliding to a stop on my knees next to Mark. "He called me and told me that he didn't feel so well, and he wanted me to come and see if it was something serious, but when I got here, he was like this!" 

"So you called ME?!" I cry, watching Jack throw up more of the thick, red substance. "I panicked! I'm sorry!" Rin, who appeared on the other side of Jack, carefully took his arm and examined it, her expression suspicious. 

"Oh shit..." She mumbles, running her finger over a tiny red bump on Jack's arm. "It's a mark from a needle..." She looks up, meeting me in the eye, "he's been poisoned." I feel the blood draining from my face, a cold shiver spreading down my spine. 

"H-How do you know...?" She rubs Jack's back, tears welling up as she carefully keeps her eyes trained on the heaving form of our best friend. "Well, it's not like he went to the doctors to get a vaccination!" She hisses, I notice the glare she send my way but pay no heed. How?! 

 How is this possible?! Did Anti do it? I shake my head in the negative. He's just a figment of my imagination... He couldn't of. I can't help but think the worst, scenarios running through my mind as I sit back helplessly. 

Jack slowly starts to calm down as I start to get my thoughts under control. "You okay Jack?" Mark's voice is soft, his eyes starting to fill with tears as he leans forward to help jack sit up. Jack wipes the blood and excess vomit from his mouth, tears running down his pale face as he looks, wide-eyed to Mark. 

"A-Am I okay, M-Mark?" His voice is hoarse. Mark, a tear falling from his face, doesn't know the answer to the question. He just sits, staring at his best friend who was possibly poisoned. 

Rin, who had been walking around and going through every door in the building, ran back with something in her hands. When she gets to us, I notice she is sobbing silently, tears streaming down her chin as she stares at the small syringe in her hands. 

I take it from her, examining it. It had a drop of black and green glowing liquid in it, the edge of the needle has a spot of bright red blood."What is this?" I ask Rin, glancing up to see her stepping away from it, her face almost as pale as Jack's. 

"It's p-poison... but n-not just a-any kind of p-poison..." She gingerly takes the syringe from my hand and stares at the liquid inside in disgust. "T-This is Morte Certa..." "Morte Certa? What the hell is Morte Certa?" I look over at Jack, who is now shaking worse, "I-It's a poison with n-no antidote... it k-kills its victim slowly... the s-side effects are throwing up b-blood, shaking, s-severe headaches, sore t-throat, dizziness," She lets out a shaky sigh before she continues. 

"Gray s-skin, suicidal thoughts, r-random marks, random bruises, u-uncontrollable f-fever... and a one hundred p-percent chance of d-death..."My eyes widen at the last one, staring from the syringe to Jack. "W-Who would do this?! A-All of the counterparts are d-dead!" 

Mark lets out a cry, hugging a limp Jack to him. Jack coughs, then looks up at me. "I w-was going to c-check on something, b-but w-when I was leaving, s-something attacked me, a-and I blacked out... I woke u-up with a stomach ache, and I-I called M-Mark... then all of this h-happened..." 

"Did you see the 'something' that attacked you?" Mark asks. Jack shrugged, trying to stop himself from shaking. "T-The last thing I r-remember was seeing a f-flash of red and b-black..." I was right... but how? Anti can't be in the real world! He's just my imagination! Unless he has a second life... and he's back... shit... "Who do you think did it?" 

I ask reluctantly, terrified of the answer I know I am going to receive."I d-don't know... b-but from the look on y-your face, you know who it w-was..." Everyone fixes their gaze on me. I close my eyes, dreading the next words that are going to come out of my mouth.

 "AntiSepticEye... He's back..."

Written by: TrinSepticEye                    Edited by: shewolf1896

What I've Become (JackSepticEye Fanfic) {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now