The Cabin

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Sorry, I can't remember the rest of the days at the cabin that  year. I will not be writing more of the cabin yet.


"Ugh, We've been in that car for like days!" Sophie complained as she got out of the van. 

"No, actually it's only been 3 and a half hours" Zoe stated.  I tumbled out of the car and stood up. 

"Should we get unpacked?" I asked them.

"Why not, does anyone but me want to see that beautiful sunset over the lake?" Abby asked. We all loved the cabin like a home and normally -actually always- watched the sunset with appetizer dinners on the dock the first night.

We piled into the cabin and unloaded our suitcases.

"I call this corner!" Zoe shouted, each year we 'call corners' for where our duffle bags and dirty clothes go. We each called a corner and threw on our swim suits.

"I hope you don't think you're going swimming..." My mom said as we rushed out the door. I pretended not to hear her. 

We sprinted down to the dock with a cooler full of snacks and unpacked the appetizer dinner.                  "Look! A turtle!" Zoe said. 

"I love turtles" Sophie commented.

We watched the sun go down and fed the fish some things they probably shouldn't have eaten .

"Hey mom, can we watch a movie when we get back up to the cabin?" I asked, our cabin was on a hill that led down to the dock, we didn't really have a beach. It was just weeds then all the sudden, water. But not like a drop-off, there was maybe about an inch of water where the lake started. It was a very deep lake, the deepest part being about 70-85 feet! 

"Hmmm, if you girls set up your own beds and brush your teeth real well you may" We promised to do what she said then ran back up to the cabin. 

"So, What do you wanna watch?" Zoe asked.

I winked Sophie and said:

"Footloose" I have a very big obsession with this movie because I can kinda related to Ariel(The main girl).

We went up, got ready for bed, and started the movie. We watched the movie until about 10:00 but I kinda felt like they weren't watching because Zoe had her phone out and she was playing games as the other two were watching her(Not to be rude, ily MadShadow14) so I took it out.

"Let's go to bed" I told them. They agreed and we had a great night sleep.

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