The Hunger Games

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When I say 'The Hunger Games' I mean that the 7 kids   on my block divide teams (Always Boys against Girls) and the boys chase us around until we can't run anymore. Then they take us captive and see if the other girls can come get us out of their hiding spot(Isaiah's treehouse, Sophie and Isaiah are siblings). So, I am going to write about one of the most vivid Hunger Games we played.

Me: 12 yrs

Sophia:12 yrs

Isaiah:10 yrs

Asher: 9 yrs                    (Girls are in bold)

Caiden: 10 yrs

Cameron: 10 yrs

Kayla: 10 yrs

"Ready. . . Set. . . GO!" Cameron shouted. Me, Sophie, and Kayla took off in opposite directions. I Always hesitated when I had to leave Kayla alone in the Hunger Games because she is so petite and fragile with her cute brown hair, eyes, and tan skin. 

I ran towards the parking lot (We were playing in the alley). I hear footsteps behind me, at least four of them. 

I look back, Cameron and Caiden are chasing me and catching up rapidly fast.

"No fair!" I yell and turn a sharp corner towards T & T Galley (Best place to get breakfast ever). I swerve around to the front of the block and sprint to Sophie's to see if any captives are in the treehouse. 

I look up into the windows, Asher is blocking Kayla from the exit. I curse under my breath and bound over the fence, snagging my shirt. I run up into the treehouse and shove Asher to the side.

"Get out!" I yell at Kayla. She springs over Caiden and Cameron from the platform and rushes out to the alley. 

"That, was a bad idea"  Caiden says as him and Cam climb up into the treehouse. I glance around and take notice that I just might be able to fit through the window. 

I take a leap out the window and on to the wood plank above the swing-set. 

I howl as loud as I can (It's a signal for 'I need help' to the other girls) and Sophie shows up around the side of the house running fast as she can away from Isaiah. I drop down from the plank and literally 'hit the ground running'. 

I once again bound over the fence and shove Isaiah to the side. 

"Thanks!" Sophie says as she started to slow down. 

"Don't stop yet" I say looking back, Cam is climbing the fence and Caiden right behind him. Sophie looks back and curses, 

"I've been running forever!" 

"Oh, well, unless you want them to get their hands on you . . ." I say pointing backwards. She sighs and sprints forward. I start running but am caught by the shirt. 

"And you thought you could get away!" Caiden laughs. I Turn around and slap Cameron's hand off me. 

I ran fast.

"SOPHIA!!!!" I yelled. But instead Kayla came running. 

"GO GO GO!" I shout. She makes a 180 turn and heads the other way.

"We're hiding in the garage" She says. I turn around hoping Cam and Caiden didn't hear. Nobody is there. 

We won that Hunger Games because the boys gave up after another hour or two later.

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