"Ma'am, will you come with me?" a security guard said.
He had a clean bald head, that is a bit short and skinny, uneven beard and big rounded black eyes. Just wearing a light brown uniform with his name badge and some black boots.
"I didn't do anything," I hissed.
He forcefully and roughly grabbed my backpack where he eagerly opened it up showing a fancy gold man watch and expensive sunglasses of women.
"Then what's this?" He asked me.
"Oh, come on, man. I brought that crap," I hissed while trying to get my backpack from his hands but he pulled the backpack away from me.
Instead the security guard yank on the back of my shirt and pulled me back into the mall where he took me to the security office of the mall and saw dozens of security cameras of two computer screens.
"Take a seat thief," he said.
I rolled my eyes at him and sat down with calmness in me and just being cool like a cucumber.
He spoke first, having his pen ready with his notepad, "now what is your parents telephone number?"
"How the hell should I know," I leaned in an inch to his face, "sir."
"Your name at least," he annoyingly said.
"RJ," I told him.
He sighed, "my goodness, thief. Tell me your full name."
I said rolling my name eyes, "Robin-Jillian."
"How about your last name?" He questioned me.
I responded, "Hensley," I saw on the computer screens seeing a mother hugging a child because the child started to cry.
I angrily opened the front door when I felt my mother's presence behind me, probably feeling disappointed and saddened for what I have done at the mall.
I crossed my arms against my chest, "so...should I begin talking or should you?" I turned around to face her,
She bowed her head down not facing me, "why?"
"Why what?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Why did you stole those things? If you wanted them, then why didn't you asked me?" She placed her purse on the floor while removing her brown coat.
I sat on the staircase, "my freaking God, mom, I am not going to ask you for things. I am old enough to buy things," I hissed.
"You're only seventeen for heaven's sake," she continued on, "every since your brother, Eddie died. You have completely changed. I miss my daughter," she took a step further towards me.
I stood up and glared at her, "you know that Eddie and I were so close. Eddie taught me how to feel free. Eddie even taught me how not to trust you."
She gasped, "I know Eddie did not told you that. You are grounded for two months. Did you hear me? Grounded."
"Fuck you!" I cussed at my mother and headed upstairs with sobbing tears from my eyes and falling slowly onto my cheeks.
Edmond 'Eddie' Hensley was my older brother. He died from a plane crash at the age of sixteen almost turning seventeen and I was fourteen years old when I heard the news.
We got the tragic news from a call of the police department in that morning day where I was heading to school and I heard my mother yelling and crying on the floor. It was a heartbroken day for my mother.
Eddie left me and I feel that it was my fault that the plane crashed. It was my fault. I just miss him so much. I miss his laughs, his smiles every morning and night and I miss hanging out with him.
I could remember that one night Eddie and I sneaked out to see a concert of a band called, Avenged Sevenfold, which by the way, he admired and loved that band like insanely crazy.
We sneaked out without telling our mom about it and we didn't gave any crap about it that we just went and that night was the day I would never forget.
He would make awesome music and songs with his acoustic and electric guitars. Eddie started playing his guitar at the age of eleven or twelve.
We still have the guitars in his bedroom but I haven't played it in a while. I am still practicing though day by day.
I sometimes get upset that my mother doesn't understand that Eddie was my best brother and my best friend in this universe but now he's gone forever. I am not going to see him again.
I sniffle and wiped my tears, "I miss you Eddie," I said while staring at one of the picture of Eddie and I at the concert smiling.
I sighed and slowly drifted to sleep holding the picture frame against my chest.
(A/N: I started this story on Oct. 4th, 2011)

Hunting For Love [student/teacher]
Romance(Student-VampireTeacher Relationship) When RJ's two family members die in horrible situations. She starts to feel is responsible for it. RJ has gotten detentions at school and trouble with the law. But when she meets the new hot teacher Mr. Seth Mil...