*Edited*I arrived sauntering alone at the Festival and viewing around alone without Tommy. I have totally forgetten about why Tommy and I are in a not-talking-with-you-anymore mode. If only I could talk to him and maybe say I'm sorry for the things I done recently.
"Alone?" I startled by a male voice whispering behind my ear.
I tilted my head and caught his eyes staring down at me. "Alexander," I said surprised.
"Hey," he smiled, "I thought you forgotten all about me."
"Oh no, of course not. You were the one that helped me climbed down out from the girls' restroom and for that I thank you," I bowed down like an idiot.
He chuckled, "no problem my madam. So - why alone?"
"I don't know. I guess I have a lot on my mind. My brother and mother not being with me and now, I guess my love life," I explained.
"If you want to talk about it. I'm all ears," he responded truthfully when I looked at his icy blue eyes.
Alexander POV
"My love life is sort of complicated at the moment," she told me.
I looked away, "what about your brother?"
"Uh...for my brother. I wish he would have been here instead of my mom and I know that sounds a bit rude but my mother...wasn't perfect but I really do miss him. He was there for me and was the person that I could talk to. We would hang out and," she smiled, "do crazy things to get in trouble but somehow everything got a bit messed up. Now my mom is dead and I feel a bit guilty but relieve at the same time."
"Was your mother there for you?" I questioned her.
RJ looked away, "you mean if that she was there for me when I was crying and begging her to stop hitting me at the age of six? Not quite. I forgive her for being with me when Eddie passed away but I won't forgive what she had done to me as a kid."
"But at least you have her in your heart. I mean, she was the one who birth you after all," I smiled.
"I know but she shouldn't have hurt me like that. I feel that she blamed me for my father to leave her. It was his choice to leave us and chose to not love us," she sighed and looked back at my icy blue eyes. "Thanks," she said.
"No problem. I will be here the whole night," I kissed on her cheek ever so gently.
As I was sauntering to go back to the others, my brother Matthew appeared in front of me with a look that I would only know. A look like you shouldn't do something stupid because someday you will regret it at the end.
"Where were you?" Matthew asked me.
"I had to do something before we start hunting down the vampires." I replied and staring at the others from far distance.
"You care for her?" I gave Matthew a puzzled look. "I mean, you care for RJ," he patted on my shoulder.
"I do but I believe she's starting to have feelings for a vampire," I responded disgusted.
"Who has feeling for who?" The medium brunette hair girl asked us.
"Nothing to worry about. We should start right of way," I wrapped my arm around Matthew's neck.
RJ Hensley POV
When Alexander left, I saw in my corner of my eye Tommy strolling by himself while carrying a half eaten corndog in one hand and the other inside of his front pocket.

Hunting For Love [student/teacher]
Romance(Student-VampireTeacher Relationship) When RJ's two family members die in horrible situations. She starts to feel is responsible for it. RJ has gotten detentions at school and trouble with the law. But when she meets the new hot teacher Mr. Seth Mil...