*Edited*"Hello miss," weakly smiled at her. "Is there a patient name Timothy Hensley?"
"Hold on. Let me check. Give me a second." She typed on the keyboard. "Yes in room one-zero-four. Are you the daughter?"
"Granddaughter," I replied.
I sauntered through the hallways with Seth next to me that I felt a bit nervous that probably my grandfather will ask me who is Seth but I'll just lie that his a nurse or some sort.
"Seth..." I stand next to the door, "I'm counting on you," he stood in front of me and I inhaled and exhaled that my hands were extremely shaking.
As we walked in to the room, I immediately saw my grandpa lying on his bed sleeping deeply. I stared at Seth and nodded to do it quickly before he wakes up.
I locked the door behind me where I kissed Seth for good luck. Which he doesn't need to because I know he would not hurt my grandfather.
"RJ," my eyes widened when I heard my grandfather calling out for my name. "Robin-Jillian, where are you?"
"Seth stop." I hissed whispered to him. "Leave." I pushed him, "please leave." I demanded him that he quickly left with a puzzled look.
I walked up to my grandfather. "Grandpa I'm here. I-I'm here," I cried out and he weakly smiled.
How did my life ended up like this? Why is the universe testing me? Why do have all this damn tests for? I was fine when Eddie and I guess my mother were here with me but I feel that my life is curse or jinx in somehow.
"Eddie! Mommy!" I whispered between my sobbing.
"Robin...sweetheart why are you crying?" Grandfather questioned me.
I wiped my own tears and felt his hand stroking my hair. "It's my fault that you're here. It's my fault that Eddie and mom is dead. Why is my life is so fucked up?"
"Robin, I'm fine and your life is good. I'm right here with you," I smiled when he said those last words.
Six hours later, I was still with my grandfather at the hospital just talking and chuckling about the old time when mom and Eddie where alive. But thirty minutes later I left the hospital room because my grandmother arrived to visit him.
It's probably that Seth is waiting for me outside from the hospital.
"Seth?" I whispered.
"RJ." We smiled and then he took me to his apartment.
"You're quiet from the whole driving to here." He said slicing some carrots and lettuce.
I came back to reality since I was in my little world with my thoughts about my grandfather. And also about what Amber said at school for a meeting with the gang at midnight.
"Just thinking," I sat on the leather couch and smiled at him. "What are you doing?"
"Baking and cooking." Seth brought me a slice of vanilla cake.
"Seriously Seth, a cake?" We giggled and my phone rang where I checked the caller ID to see that it was from Alexander.
"Hey Alexander," I said and saw Seth glaring at me looking a bit jealous or pissed off.
"Hey RJ. I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow night maybe to dinner or to the movies." I walked out from Seth's apartment.
Maybe I should hang out with him. I mean, no one knows that I'm with Seth secretly.
"Sure...tomorrow night...bye." I disconnected the call when I felt myself bumping to a hard wall but I looked up to see Seth furious.
"Seth, you know that we can't be hanging out always. Someone someday will catch us. Seth I love you." I kissed him goodbye and drove to the woods to meet up with the gang at the time of midnight.
It was already midnight where I parked my truck since there were other cars from my friends but there was a unfamiliar car.
"Jezlynn!" I called out to her.
"Hey RJ."
I looked at Amber and Elaine surrounding themself standing on the bonfire while Carlsen standing next to his car crossing his arms against his chest.
But I gasped when I saw little Tommy inches away from me and he's all chained up to the tree. Chains on his ankles to his arms and his shirt ripped apart.
"Jezlynn let him go." Carlsen pinned me against him and lifted me up off from the ground. "Carlsen let me go." I hissed, "LET ME GO!"
"I'm sorry babe." He said and I was having struggles to get out from Carlsen's arms.
"Jezlynn, what are you going to do with him? I told you that Tommy doesn't need to do tests just to be in the god damn gang," I hissed at her.
"Robin-Jillian, I know you care about him but Tommy wants to tell you something before we begin," Jezlynn said.
I looked at Tommy and he looked at my direction. "RJ...I-I want to join the gang. So please let me join in with you and the others," he pleaded.
He looked so innocent and too naive. I sighed and Carlsen was still holding me back.
I didn't answer back to what Tommy asked. I didn't know what my friends are going to do to him.
"Tommy, your first test is a permanent tattoo." I was still struggling to get out from the arms of Carlsen.
"Carlsen please let me go," I begged him.
"Robin please be quiet," he said and I spit at him.
"Tommy, you don't have to this. You don't need to proof me anything. You're the best friend I could ever have. Please just say no to this. I promise I'll always be there for you. Just don't go through this...please." Tommy looked at me but quickly turned away.
I cried out, "little Tommy...I-I love you."
Everyone looked at me.

Hunting For Love [student/teacher]
Romance(Student-VampireTeacher Relationship) When RJ's two family members die in horrible situations. She starts to feel is responsible for it. RJ has gotten detentions at school and trouble with the law. But when she meets the new hot teacher Mr. Seth Mil...