*Edited*It is the first day of school and I am ready to get detentions or get expelled and maybe give hard times to the miserable teachers.
I heard my mother from inside of the car saying, "remember to be good."
I ignored that comment and quickly got out from the car, slammed the car door behind me.
How I miss Simmons High, especially my friends. I heard a familiar voice, "RJ!"
I looked in front of me and saw, "hey, little Tommy."
I patted on his shoulder and we started to sauntered leisurely inside of the school. Looking at my surroundings; the lockers of purple-and-gold colors, trophies placed in the shelve glass doors, and the floor that is well polished.
The black panther mascot with little cute purple and gold shirt with the words, "go panthers," the mascot started to dance in front of Tommy and I.
"Go. Go Panthers! Go. Go Panthers!" A curly blond ponytail cheerleader said standing next to the mascot.
We removed ourselves from that location and moved towards our lockers to place and to take out some items from the locker.
"So," he took a black notebook, "what are your classes?" Tommy asked closing his locker.
I actually met Tommy Lane here at this school. He is sort of a little nerd that is completely obsessed with chess or video games, cosplay and comic books.
He's going to enter senior this year. Well, I heard a weird rumor that he skipped a few grades.
When I first met him, I was a junior while he was a sophomore. And yes, I know why was I hanging out with a sophomore? I honestly can answer that, is because I wanted to. Simple as that, no questions ask.
"Algebra. English. Art. History. Lunch obviously," little Tommy chuckled, "gym and biology," I looked at him.
He said, "awesome. We both have biology, history and gym together."
We simultaneously high-fived at each other when I felt a weird sensation behind me, like a cold wind is warning me of something, 'watch out, RJ. There's something behind you. Be careful,' and then the wind would disappear.
"Oh, looky here, if it's the four-eyes dork from chess club and next to him is the most wanted girl that got caught for stealing pregnancy test from the pharmacy," the popular girl from school Bridget McCain said behind me.
I turned to face her, "all hail Bridget McCain. Our queen that has an enormous pimple right above her forehead that is screaming to get out. Don't you check the mirror before you come to school, my queen?" Bridget glared at me, "I can help you pop it for twenty thousand bucks."
Bridget furiously sauntered towards the girls restroom screaming with her posse friends that are crying and screaming, too.
"You're so mean," Tommy smiled, "I like it."
I opened wide my locker when someone tapped my shoulder, "hey RJ," I know that familiar voice.
I turned to face her, "hey Jezlynn, how was your lovely summer?"
She rolled her eyes, "boring. I had the worse boring summer with my grandmother at Chicago. I actually massage her foot every hour and bathe her. The weird part she knows how to take a bath by herself according to my mother. So I bathe her for nothing, RJ."
Jezlynn Rowland is my bestest friend since pre-school. I was the first person to know and told by her that she's bi-sexual, liking men and women. Currently right now, she is happily dating a junior girl here at school.
"How's your girlfriend, August?" I asked her.
"I really haven't seen her since yesterday," she replied back, "maybe I'll see her before lunch."
I looked at my side and notice that little Tommy disappeared. I slammed my locker hard and Jezlynn noticed it but then suddenly another friend of mine comes towards us running.
"Yo guys," he paused to take a breath, " I just heard that there's a new teacher coming here today," Carlsen said.
"Who?" I asked Carlsen.
"He's a biology teacher. So, whoever had biology class. Good luck," he left by running off from us.
I gasped inside, "I have biology."
"Good luck then," Jezlynn leaves me alone.
ClassThis class was my last one of the day so I sat on the back of the class and notice little Tommy in front of the class. I am not surprise that he decided to seat in the front of the class.
I started to text one of my friends when I looked up to see the door wide open and seeing everybody being silent as a mouse.
I looked up at the teacher which by the way he's one hella of a hottie than any other teacher I have on my other classes.
He has a short raven hair with spiked up at the front, thick eyebrows, clean unshaven beard, and light brown eyes and muscular figure.
He wrote down his name on whiteboard and looked at us, "I am Mr. Seth Millington, your new biology teacher and I will be doing the row call," he began calling out the students and he ended naming me at the end, "Robin-Jillian Hensley?"
I rose my arm up, "I prefer that you call me RJ," I demanded.
"Well, Ms. RJ Hensley you are not, I repeat, not allowed to text while you're in my class. So I prefer if you stop texting and pay attention," he responded.
"Look, mister whatever your last name is. I will pay attention whenever I want. I don't need to take any order from you. Just teach the others students. I'll try to keep up with the class." I gave him the OK sign and looked down at my phone.
Somehow or at of nowhere, he was next to me kneeling down and he whispered, "detention for you Ms. Hensley." I could smell his peppermint breath mixed with his male Cologne on him.
I looked at his brown eyes and his pale pinkish lips and his white pale face.
He goes to the front of the class and said, "now should you guys start by explaining me, what is biochemistry or examples about biochemistry."
I just don't care if he gives me detentions because I'm already use to it. I feel comfortable being in detentions. It's my own home.
So whatever.
(A/N: vote.)

Hunting For Love [student/teacher]
Romance(Student-VampireTeacher Relationship) When RJ's two family members die in horrible situations. She starts to feel is responsible for it. RJ has gotten detentions at school and trouble with the law. But when she meets the new hot teacher Mr. Seth Mil...