LaterThe months have already passed so rapidly for RJ.
RJ went to college after all. She needed to do extra credit at school, needed to volunteer by helping homeless people and even caring for abused animals. She has been doing a lot of work just to go to college to show that she is a college material.
RJ's grandfather has been supportive, thrilled and happy that he can see his granddaughter being a grown up and going to the college of Rivier University to learn about nursing.
Let's move on. Shall we? RJ has been getting dreams of Seth lately and seeing him everywhere she goes; her job, school and at her home. She's probably thinking that he still can be alive instead of dead. We all know that he's dead but her mind he isn't.
You guys probably know Kevin, right? Eddie's good old friend? Well, Kevin and RJ are actually dating. You may be thinking, how did that happen? Kevin had been having feelings lately towards RJ and he was indeed nervous to tell her but one night on a summer dinner, a couple months ago, without thinking he accidentally kissed her and RJ strangely felt that magical spark that she never felt before a while since Seth. From there, they having been dating for five months now.
"I'm so proud of you," RJ smiled, "wherever your brother is now, he's prouder of you," Kevin said then kissed on RJ's soft lips.
"Thanks, Kevin." She wrapped her arms around his neck, "thanks for being here with me." She quickly kissed him, "I love you. I love you so much. Don't ever leave me."
She kissed Kevin one last time when turning around to hug her grandparents for goodbye. She cried in tears but she knows that soon she will visit them for the holidays and summer vacations.
You all wondering, what the hell happened to Jezlynn, Alexander, Carlsen, Elaine and Amber, and Matthew.
Honestly, they are all in their separate ways. Jezlynn moved to California with her family. Elaine and Amber went to different colleges. Carlsen moved to a different town and ended up with Bridget McCain which there are rumors that she got pregnant. Carlsen is still in the works with Alexander and Matthew. As for Alexander and Matthew, they're still vampire hunters and looking for mates. If you have anyone for them, let them know. Remember they are werewolves.
Finally for Tommy. He went to Rivier University with RJ, studying to be a biotechnology but what RJ doesn't know that Tommy is dating someone much older than him. Sshh doesn't tell, just yet. Let's keep it a secret.
But she's happy that she has her best friend with her that will be with her no matter what the circumstances are.
"I love you and I will always do," her grandmother said while smiling and tearing in tears.
"I love you, too. Both you guys."
For hours later, RJ decided to go to her dorm to unpack her clothes, her books and set up her laptop and such.
As she went to the elevator, quickly the whole elevator stopped that the lights started to flicker but completely stopped flickering that it became completely dark.
RJ tapped on the elevator door that she yelled for, "HELP! Someone! Help!"
She gasped with fright when she saw two bright red eyes glowing staring straight at her. "Seth?"
"Don't be scared. I'm just here to see you one last time. I'm happy that you're a new woman. I'm glad that you're moving on to a new life and with Kevin. That's great," he weakly smiled.

Hunting For Love [student/teacher]
Romance(Student-VampireTeacher Relationship) When RJ's two family members die in horrible situations. She starts to feel is responsible for it. RJ has gotten detentions at school and trouble with the law. But when she meets the new hot teacher Mr. Seth Mil...