Chapter 23

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Halley sigh as she awake to yet another empty morning without her husband. How she wish to spend some time with him alone besides at the dinner table and in bed. She slowly raised from the bed and entered her own bedchamber where she ring for Chevon. She wasn't going to ask her husband if she could move into his bedchamber. He should be the one to request it.

Tears fell from her eyes as she quickly remove it with the back of her hand. Tears were a waste,her mother always said and Halley hate being so miserable. Her husband still was a stranger to her even though they were so close.

" Mistress I was just about to come wake you. " Chevon said entering her bedchamber. "Young Master wants you to get dress in your riding habits immediately. "

Halley was in shock. Wasn't her husband out working? "W-what? He didn't went to working today" Halley stuttered while Chevon drag her across the room.

" No he didn't. Now come on let's get you ready. "

Halley was immediately dressed in a beige riding gown, boots and riding gloves. Her hair was braided and fell to her back. It was the first time she had been properly dressed for riding and she couldn't help the giddy feeling inside her as she thought about spending the entire day with Joshua.

Halley arrived at the stables and saw her handsome husband dressed primely. He was saddling the horses with Peter by his side. He didn't notice her standing there until Peter's eyes captured hers.  

"Mistress!" Peter shouted running towards her. " We were just talking about you "

"Peter!" Joshua warned causing the boy to quiet immediately.

Halley give him a curious look. "Its nothing really. I was just asking him what he thinks of you as a governess," Joshua replied " now let's get going shall we. "

"Where are we going?" Halley inquired as she was lifted on top a horse whose name was Jolly.

"I'm going to show you around the estate. " Joshua reply mounting his own horse, Lightning. " then we are going to have a picnic "

"I thought this was it. " She replied.

"Don't limit your eyes to what you can see Darling. " He smile as he trod out the stables with Halley following behind.

Halley had a wonderful time riding through the huge magnificent estate,stretching from miles. Her husband was one wealthy man. Joshua often slowed down to explain where they are and to check on how she was doing once in awhile. Halley love the concern he showed towards her and the patience.

The manor was now out of sight and they were entering the Woods. Halley shuttered at the creepy feeling that wash over her entire body. The strange noises, whistling of the trees....and it seems to be getting darker. Where did the sun go?"

"Halley are you feeling alright?" Joshua frowned noticing her pale face and startled jump from his voice.

"Let's stop here. " Joshua said dismounting off his horse. He didn't like the fact that she felt unsafe in his presence. She should feel comfortable. Didn't she trust him? Halley was lifted of her horse and into his arms. To her surprise he didn't put her down immediately. He continued to walk deeper in the woods.

"I can walk you know. " she whispered softly. Touching his face gently, causing him to stop and stare at her. "

Halley,I want to carry you. " He smile. "Besides there are snakes and insects in the woods and I don't want any of them to make a home in your skirt. " Halley gasps as she snuggled closer to him.

A few minutes passed before she was standing over looking a lovely Pond with wild flowers surrounding its exterior "This is beautiful!"she exclaimed turning to face her husband.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now