Chapter 51

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Twilight hovered over the still forest, bringing with it the cold crisps air and drifting of dry branches. Samantha's icy fingers clinched desperately to kept the wild fabric from escaping her body and hastened her steps, the sound of dry leaves echoed through her ears with describe torture. With every crunched, Samantha felt as though she was exposing her location to some unforeseen stalker. She should have waited until the sunrise, at Penny's house after delivering her baby girl.

Doctor Morris was out of town at the moment, when the baby girl decided to come into this world. It was a smooth delivery both mother and daughter were healthy. The little girl was so energetic, she almost fell from Samantha's arms. Delivering a baby was so much easier for her than holding them. They are so small and fragile it scared her but who could have resist such Beautiful Grey eyes and a smile, that could melt the devil's heart.

Samantha pulled in a shaky breathe that caused her to shiver even more. Maybe she should have stayed? And faced the scrutiny of the town folks in the morning?  No! She was not ready to face her demons, yet. She had made her mistakes in life and must now learn to live with them. 

Mistakes that caused her to lose sleep at nights.

The path finally came to an end and Samantha looked up at the small cottage, she now called home. Her escaped from life.....the world. The hood of the cloak, fell on her back, blond curls flash across her face. She raced to the cottage. With an accomplished sigh for making it back safe, she leaned against the bolted door for a few minutes before lighting the fireplace and made a cup of tea.

Samantha, you should visit madame Florencia, she's very sick.... Samantha took a sip of her herbal tea. She allowed Penny's voice to taunt her soul. Penelope Sulan was one of the girls Samantha had befriended at the brothel, a long time ago. She was the only true Friend Samantha had. How could they not be, after all they had went through? Madame Florencia brothel were once there home. At the age of ten after Samantha had lost her mother, she had stumbled upon the lady's place.

Florencia  eyes had widen as a saucer when she first saw Samantha on the doorstep weeping one night. She was immediately brought inside, fed and given a bed, which she had to share with a raven hair girl. They were inseparable ever since that night until they became of age. Penny went to become 'one of the girls'. It had been right at the time considering that's all they knew. They didn't knew it was inappropriate, when Samantha had went to inquire about why she wasn't following in Penny's footsteps, Madame Florencia had told her gently that she would never allowed her to participate in such acts. She was to be the maid.  That's as far as it went.

Samantha sighed and closed her eyes. It wasn't a secret that she was Madame Florencia's favorite. The walks in the park, the decent bed, fancy clothing. Samantha's mother had never bought such fine materials for her, ever. They were constantly moving, delivering babies here and there for a few coins. Samantha had never once complained, she was always very observance and of assistance.

Madame Florencia had treated her like a princess, She was happy but eventually had came to resent the lifestyle, serving vile men, cleaning dirty floors.Years after Samantha came to realized from one of Madame Florencia's cousin's that she reminded him of a little girl Florencia lost in a fire many years ago. It had all became clear to Samantha then, pertaining to the special treatments. She was a replacement for madam Florencia daughter.

Samantha give herself a mental shake as she placed the cup on the table in front of the armchair. Reaching for the duvet on the settee,  draped it over her body and stared into the flames. How could she be so heartless? After the lady who treated her like a daughter, rather than a stranger, kept her safe from a lifestyle no lady should dreamt of. She had shown her gratitude by running away with Larry seeking a better life and all she had now was nightmares.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now