Chapter 24

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Samantha's eyes greedily scan through the documents in Larry's study. She had waited the entire morning for him to leave the house. So she could start her investigation. Which, at the moment wasn't turning out so great.

She resisted the urge to scream in frustration as she stumble upon another document concerning the estate and expenses. This is useless. She tuck strands of hair behind her ears as she bend on her knees.

Her trembling fingers opened the first drawer. Taking the pile of documents in her hands. She scan through them quickly. Great more useless documents. She did the same with the other two drawers and found nothing.

Standing back on her feet with hands on hip and creased eyebrows. She looked around the small study. It wasn't much really. Just a huge desk. Two wooden armchair and a small table under the window which was wide open.

Samantha's only hope was the desk with three drawers. Think Samantha think. If I am hiding something where would I put it?"  She pace the room nervously while entwining her hands. Samantha brought a halt to her jittery feet and a smile slowly creep up on her face. Rushing back begin the desk she eagerly pulled the first drawer straight out. She remember as a child her father had  a secret compartment hidden in his desk. She was sure Larry had one.

Samantha heart leaped with joy as she saw a small handle behind the last drawer. Using one of her fingers she pulled it out. It was a small wooden box. Raising to her feet. She lift open the top. With shaking hands she took out the bundle of letters that was tied neatly together with a string.

The French stamp on top of it put her mind at ease that they weren't from a lover. Removing the string. She unfold the piece of paper. Of course it is in French! Her eyes rolled like a ball. Some other person would have called it an unfaithful twist. But Samantha welcome the prospect. It was great to refresh her memory with the foreign language.

Slowly reading the letter. Her eyes widened with disbelief. Larry is a French spy!  Larry was betraying his country all this time? Or was he even British ? According to the document,if she red correctly. He was working for an organization called  les ombres. The letter was from one of its members requesting more supplies to be ship and for Larry to keep an eye on Lord Fisher!

Lord Fisher! She mumbled. Why would the French want to keep an eye on Joshua's father. There should be something else concerning him in the rest letters. Moving to the next letter, it went flying to the ground as Samantha fingers trembled with fear. Rushing to the window she saw Larry and his French  Friend. Galloping towards the manor. No! They came back to soon!

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