Chapter 44

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The sun was slowly setting over the horizon making room for the stars and the moon to take over their nightly duties. Edward was doing much better this evening, earlier that day. He had, had a minor seizure and they had feared the worst. The young man was a fighter that's for sure. Joshua placed the bowl of tea, he was currently feeding Edward with on the desk beside him. Standing to his feet he reached out and position his head better on the pillow, so he could sleep comfortably. " You could have waited on my return to assist you, you know?" Victoria smiled entering the bedchamber, her golden hair tumble down her shoulders as straight as an arrow.

Joshua could see that they were still damp from her bath by the way they shine. His thoughts about having Victoria staying here at Jake's were appropriate. She was such a great assistant to him when it came to Edward. Truth be told, he could have waited but wanted something to keep him occupied. Jake seems to be avoiding him, mishaps he was still ashamed of what he had done that night or mourning the fact that his fiancée's working with the French? David had gone out with Alejandro to do more search and speak to the Constable informing him that the Spaniards weren't their least not now.

" You needed a little break Lady Hepworth--"

"Please, call me Victoria" She smiled.

" As you wish Victoria " Joshua stepped out of her way allowing her to sit beside Edward on the bed. Her fingers gently ran through Edward's hair in a sensual manner.

"He always love it when I did this" She turned towards Joshua who felt like he was invading someone else's privacy. " thank you for saving him, I don't know what I would have done without him."

" I can't take all the credit.. It was Edward's will to survive " he replied gently. " looks like he had something worth fighting for" Victoria's cheeks turned pink at the compliment.

"How's Edward doing?" Jake asked, leaning against the doorframe, his expression unreadable. " has he awaken as yet?"

"Not yet"

Jake stared at Edward's small frame lying on the bed and swallowed. He had been with him when he had the seizure. Jake had never felt so weak and emotionally vulnerable in his life. He had just stood there while Joshua and David took action. His heart had grown soft and he didn't like that. Jake couldn't put himself through that kind of pain again. He need to cage his heart with the strongest armor. " He's not going to die right? "

"No he isn't, " Joshua stared at Jake who looked everywhere but at him. "  you aren't avoiding me, aren't you?"

Jake sighed and entered the bedchamber. " I have something I need to say to you..." He took a deep breath. " I apologized for last night.  I let my --" what should he say emotions? feelings? God I sound like a lady. His fingers ran through his hair as he thought about the appropriate words to used.

Joshua pulled his friend in for a bear hug, startling Jake. " I forgive since the night it happened Jake. I know you would never do anything to hurt me or David. You're like our big brother always protecting us." He smiled at his friend, whose forehead creased but his eyes held amusement.

"You really know how to make a man feel old, don't you?"

Joshua shrugged his shoulders. "It's just facts"

Jake rolled his eyes. " I'm only two years older than you Joshua "

" Two years does make a difference you know? " Victoria interposed. " when the time comes you would be turning fifty before all of them, start turning grey, walking with a cane-"

"I know men who isn't fifty and walked with a cane Victoria"

" Crying for pains, " She continued.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now